What is ecology? – PK-Serfing

This science is very important in understanding how different organisms interact with each other in the environments in which they live.

Ecology is the science that studies the relationship of living things to the environment in which they live. And even though it sounds easy But education is not easy. Because of responsibility in dealing with biodiversity Interactions between different species and environmental changes that may be faced This study focuses on births, deaths and migration. and the impact on the spread Types, populations, and evolution of communitiesEcology is an interdisciplinary field which includes biology and geosciences.

The first person to mention the term was Haeckel in 1869, who coined the term. It comes from the Greek words ‘oikos’ meaning house, home and ‘logos’ meaning study or textbook.Haeckel initially understood ecology as a science that studies the relationship of living things with their environment. But later he extended this definition to the study of environmental characteristics. This includes the transportation of matter and energy. and their changes by Biological communities and Ramon Markalev One of the greatest Spanish ecologists.Or is Eugene P. Odum considered the father of modern ecology? Ancient philosophers such as Aristotle and Hippocrates laid the foundations of ecology for the study of natural history Although it will be much slower when more definitive conclusions can be reached in this exciting field of study.

Ecology studies the relationship of living things to their environment.Ecology studies the relationship of living things to their environment.

This study can be carried out in several ways:

  • The study of the individual, that is, each living thing, taking into account the environment that surrounds it.
  • Study of populations, including the interactions of living things of the same species.
  • Study communities, including relationships between different populations living in the same area.
  • Studying ecosystems includes studying communities plus their interactions with the environment.
  • Study of the biosphere, that is, the study of all living things in general.

On the other hand, within the environment in which living things live. Able to distinguish biological or physical factors such as humidity, temperature, sunlight, etc., and biological factors such as the relationship between predator and prey. For everything he studies in general terms. It is a multidisciplinary science. It uses other scientific tools such as meteorology, geography, physics, chemistry or mathematics. And the latter, linked to statistics and mathematical models, carries a lot of weight.

Difference Between Ecology and Environment

While ecology studies the relationship of living things with the environment in which they live and the interactions between species. Environmentalism is an ideology that summarizes the concept of ecology. into the realm of social realityis to seek the development of new formats that is in balance with nature

There are many fields of study linked to ecology.There are many fields of study linked to ecology.

Department of Ecology

Although it is not clear what is good or bad. But the truth is It is possible to set goals. And the economy is closely linked to the ecosystem. By giving priority to the ecological economy first.


It is the science responsible for the passive study of biological particles transported by air.

Microbial ecology

Study of microorganisms in the natural environment which maintains the necessary activities continuously for life on earth.


By studying the distribution of life on Earth. Including the process that causes this. modify it and may make it disappear.

Mathematical ecology

In it, theorems and mathematical methods are applied to problems of the relationship of living things to their environment.

urban ecology

It is a field of study that aims to study the relationship between the inhabitants of urban clusters and their various interactions with the environment.

ecology of recreation

It is a scientific study. of ecological relationships between humans and nature in a recreational context

All of these fields of study are often interdisciplinary.All of these fields of study are often interdisciplinary.

landscape ecology

It is connected to physical geography and biology. Study the natural landscape Particular attention is paid to human groups as agents of change in physical and ecological dynamics.


It is a branch of ecology that focuses on the study of continental water systems.

Dendro ecology

Emphasis is placed on studying the ecology of trees.

regional ecology

It will study ecosystem processes such as energy flow. cycle of matter or the production of greenhouse gases at the landscape or biome level of the region.

Field crops, fisheries, etc.

They have the same relationship with ecology that much of engineering does with mathematics, physics, or chemistry.

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