Unemployment Help – Pk serfing

Unemployment brings with it a variety of aids. Here are some ways to get that help.

Subsidies are financial aid.Those who can apply are those who are unemployed and registered as claimants or whose income is less than 75% of the Spanish minimum income. In this type of help will ignore unemployment Because everyone is entitled to this assistance. No matter what situation they are in. As long as they’ve been donating for at least a year.

Each type of subsidy has certain conditions.But in most cases they are usually the same. It’s just that it’s for different types of people. Next, let’s talk a little bit about the different types of unemployment benefits available and the requirements for applying for them.

Knowing how to ask for help is important.
Knowing how to ask for help is important.

How do I apply for unemployment benefits?

In 2020, the economic value received with subsidies Price 430.27 euros Monthly. The duration will vary in each case. But it is usually determined by the time you continuously work. These grants are regulated by general social security law. which guarantees and provides stability

These help are always Requested from the state public employment serviceBy making an appointment at their office. You must fill out an official form to request one. And one of the requirements to receive this assistance is to be registered as a job seeker, that is, to be registered as unemployed.

There are many types of assistance. It depends on the personal circumstances of the plaintiff. (donations, age, family responsibilities, etc.) We will explain the different types of subsidies. You can request it below.

Some assistance is calculated based on the duration of the donation.
Some assistance is calculated based on the duration of the donation.

Inadequate performance subsidies

This grant is a subsidy. 430 euros per month It is calculated according to the time of donation and whether the unemployed person has any family responsibilities, including children under 26 years of age. This financial assistance is often also called This is called “unemployment allowance” or “underpayment” because it works in two different ways.

On the one hand, the workers Unemployed and paying contributions for at least 3 months as long as they have children. On the other hand, people without children can apply but must have made contributions for at least 6 months.This assistance is often requested by people who have been without contributions for 360 days because they were unable to file a regular unemployment claim.

One thing to consider before applying for assistance is how to use the money you have accumulated to apply for this assistance. This means that the price counter will be reset to zero.We must therefore consider whether it is better to collect this subsidy by using contributions or whether it is better to wait until the contributions have accumulated for 360 days.

Family assistance is available to people with children.
Family assistance is available to people with children.

familiar help

Technically It is called “Subsidy for loss of contributory benefits With responsibility for the family” but is generally called helping the family. This helper is Only for people with childrenThey lacked income and were recently unemployed and unable to find work. This usually takes 18 months, but we can extend this time up to 30 months depending on the applicant’s conditions.

Subsidy for people aged 45 years and over

This subsidy is for a maximum period of 6 months and It’s often confused with RAI, but it’s not the same.. This assistance is provided for people who are using unemployment benefits (unemployed), have no income, are 45 years of age or older, and have no family responsibilities. Because if they have They will apply for family support grants.

The same amount is 430 euros, however, this assistance can be requested. Those who did not earn more than 75% of the minimum interprofessional salary in 2020That is, enter no more than 675 euros per month per month.

Some grants have a time limit.
Some grants have a time limit.

Subsidies for persons over 52 years of age

This grant goes to People who are over 52 years of age and have sufficient contributions for retirement.That is, after paying contributions for at least 15 years, contributions must also be paid for 6 years due to unemployment and lack of income. If the requirements are met This subsidy of €430 per month will be available until retirement or while looking for a new job.

Subsidies for returning immigrants

This grant is intended to Spanish nationals working abroadBut they decided to return to Spain.

The conditions for requesting this assistance are as follows:

  • They are Spanish migrants returning from a country that is not part of the European Union. European Economic Area, Australia or Switzerland
  • Have worked abroad for at least 12 months in the last six years since your last trip from Spain.
  • No unemployment rights
  • Register as a job seeker
  • Lack of income or income that does not exceed 675 euros per month
  • Sign the activity commitment
Some assistance requires that you be ineligible for unemployment.
Some assistance requires that you be ineligible for unemployment.

Grants help those released from prison.

This help is for those who They were released from prison after being there for more than six months.. to be able to apply They must not be eligible for unemployment. Never reject an offer of a suitable position. and must be registered as a job seeker

Subsidy for disability review

This help is for those who They have a disability pension. But because they are better So they withdrew that pension.. Request conditions are the same as for the rest. They must be registered as a job seeker for at least one month. No rights to unemployment and your income is less than 675 euros per month.

Subsidies and sour rent

This subsidy is available to rural workers in Andalusia and Extremadura.

Some subsidies depend heavily on the condition of the worker.
Some subsidies depend heavily on the condition of the worker.

This grant is divided into 2 types depending on the condition of the worker:

  • Preaw rent: This is assistance only for temporary farm workers who are unemployed or do not benefit from agricultural subsidies. or have a permanent but continuous employment contract
  • agricultural subsidies: Unemployment allowance for workers belonging to the Special Agricultural Social Security System. Price: 430 euros per month and valid for 6 months. Temporary workers in rural Andalusia and Extremadura. which can prove the minimum number of hours worked in the previous year Which is currently 35 hours. You can apply.

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