Tips for saving on air conditioners

Air conditioners are one of the most used appliances every summer. But the cost of electricity can make us worry. We also explain how to save.

Summer is getting hotter Therefore, the use of air conditioning has become an essential element in many regions where thermometers rarely drop below 35° in July and August.

at The surprise came later about the electricity bill.This has skyrocketed in recent months due to the use of these devices. And it can cost up to 100 euros, depending on the usage we do. That is why it is important to achieve a balance between convenience and affordability. Follow Bekia Hogar’s advice and you’ll save on your air conditioner this summer without overheating.

1 Choose powerful equipment

Air conditioning technology has advanced greatly in recent years. And the most modern appliances consume much less electricity than before. Moreover, the European Union requires each appliance to be labeled with an energy label, from A+++ to G. A+++ equipment, although it is slightly more expensive. But it is the most effective. and will help you save electricity in the long run Using the device can mean savings of up to 40% on your electric bill.

2 Clean the filter often.

A dirty filter in an air conditioner causes the unit to work harder to reduce the temperature, wasting electricity inefficiently. Therefore, The filter is in an optimal state of cleanliness. It can lead to huge savings in electricity. At least it should be cleaned once a year before turning on the air conditioner. If your space is hot for a long time and you use the air conditioner often. A mid-summer review wouldn’t hurt either.

Having a clean air conditioner filter will save you money.Having a clean air conditioner filter will save you money.

3 Controlling the occurrence of sunlight

Air conditioners will perform worse if they are exposed to direct sunlight. You also want the room you’ll be cooling to stay as cool as possible. Therefore, it is recommended to lower the blinds at least slightly to control the amount of heat entering the room. Also take into account where you leave your device’s remote control. In most models The thermostat is on the knob.Therefore, if you leave the remote in the sun, the temperature will be believed to be higher than it actually is and the air conditioner will work longer.

4 Insulates the room well and limits cold.

If you have multiple room cooling equipment, it is recommended that Close the door to prevent the cold from escaping.Also, keep in mind that the smaller the room, the better. Cooling will be easier. And the electricity bill will also be lower.

5 temperature control

Most home studies recommend maintaining the temperature in the summer. Between 24 and 26 degreesMake it a point to use comfortable, lightweight clothing. As a general rule, each level you lower results in an 8% increase in energy use.

6 Use economical mode

Most new air conditioners have an eco or “eco” mode. Reduce electricity usage by up to 30% on average.. On the other hand, it may take longer to cool the room.

7 Activate night mode

Whether to sleep with the air conditioner on or not is a common debate. We recommend that Try to sleep without it.By opening the windows and ventilating the room, this is something that is often impossible if you live in a big city that is very hot and has a lot of outside noise. In this case, most air conditioners include: Night mode or programmer that lets you leave it on for just an hour or two until you fall asleep. Then they will break up among themselves. It’s the best way to combine a good night’s sleep with saving on electricity by not having to run the air conditioner all night.

A smart thermostat will help you save on your electricity bills.A smart thermostat will help you save on your electricity bills.

8 Think of it like a smart thermostat.

This is the fashion of recent years. A smart thermostat to add to your air conditioner or heating system. They have several advantages including: Can be controlled from your mobile phoneSo that you can turn it on or off remotely, like before you get home, for example. Additionally, these thermostats learn from your habits and routines over time. Finally, many include They let you know directly how much you’ve saved since installation.It is therefore ideal for controlling the savings we are looking for.

As we have seen, air conditioners are now an essential component in many homes. Although uncontrolled use can cause electric shock charges. If you follow all of Bekia Hogar’s tips, we’ll help you save money this summer.

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