Think: everything about this flower

This plant is unique in that it does not require too much care. and suitable for adding color to various gardens

Who doesn’t love having a garden full of beautiful, colorful flowers? And these colorful plants can lift your spirits just by looking at them. The problem is that now you can find many varieties. Each variety has characteristics that make it better or worse. Depending on the type of soil or environment in which you will grow roses, gardenias, sunflowers, tulips… before planting these varieties in your garden. You should study about these varieties. From Bekia Hogar we give you the key to one of the most sought-after flowers in many gardens: pansies, where they get their name. In the French word ‘pen’ then From its first origins, it is a flower associated with memories and memories. related to love

Important characteristics of thought

This plant has since been part of the variety known as Viola Tricolor. The petals have 3 different colors. that blend together to create a surprising combination Violet’s first cousin This idea has its roots in a series of experiments conducted in northern Europe during the 19th century. Some gardeners began systematically crossing pansies with other species, such as violets, with the goal of obtaining plants. with colorful flowers Today, 400 different varieties can be found, but it was during the Victorian era that pansies became more famous in the beautiful gardens cultivated by expert gardeners.

Pansies are flowers that do not require much care.
Pansies are flowers that do not require much care.

Pansy is a semi-perennial plant whose behavior may vary throughout its life. It is a temperate flower that tends to dry up during the summer, especially in August, withers and leans forward. It is as if someone is thinking or pondering. It is not characterized by excessive height. This is because they typically grow up to 25 centimeters tall, with straight stems buried beneath large flowers. The flower consists of 5 petals that can range in size from 5 to 10 centimeters and which has the widest shade range: white, pink, blue, purple, yellow, orange.…and if this color range is not enough Another feature of the petals of this plant is that they are soft and smooth to the touch. Pansy leaves, on the other hand, have nothing to envy for their beautiful flowers. Because it has a flat, oval shape and a bright green color.

How to cultivate ideas

Pansies are plants that grow from seeds. Although it is fine to buy them already grown and ready to plant in a pot or garden. The best time to plant is from autumn to late spring, as this variety is very resistant to low temperatures and frost. Yes, definitely, It should be located in a place that receives direct sunlight. or in semi-shade If you decide to plant using seeds The best way is to plant them in a nursery prepared specifically for this, also known as a seed bed. This must be done in a location protected from wind, rain and other adverse weather conditions. And the temperature must always be controlled between 15 and 18°C.

Add color to your garden with this beautiful plant.
Add color to your garden with this beautiful plant.

Pansies usually do not bloom the first year. But during this cycle it will begin to develop leaves and leaves. When you sow the seeds in the ground It takes about 3 weeks for the first leaves, called radicles, to emerge, and they grow tall at the same time as their roots go deeper into the soil. About 6 weeks after planting, the hermaphrodite should be nearly full height. At this time it is necessary to transplant it into a larger pot, even if it does not exceed 10 centimeters in diameter. From then on Thoughts should be allowed to settle and develop until they are completed. This will take approximately 14 weeks. Then they are ready to be transferred to the garden and From the second year onwards, admirable flowers will begin to grow. During the first day of autumn This is the period when flowers begin to bloom until the end of spring.

When planting pansies You must pay special attention to the type of soil used. Because it’s not just soil that can do this. It must be new or nothing has been planted for a while.To have all the necessary nutrients for proper thinking development. From the first month on, it must be treated with fertilizers and substrates specially developed for outdoor plants, whether in the garden or decorating a balcony or terrace.

Basic care of thinking

One characteristic of this type of flower is It does not require constant attention or be particularly complicated.Because it is durable and adapts very easily to various environments, regarding irrigation You need to make sure your pansies are getting enough water. Especially when newly planted and in the growth stage. It can be reduced, but you should water every 2 days and measure the amount of water to prevent the soil from being too wet or too wet. That is why you should try to plant pansies in areas with good drainage. This is to prevent wilting due to overwatering.

So that your plants can survive all year long. Take care of them and protect them from pests.
So that your plants can survive all year long. Take care of them and protect them from pests.

You need to pay special attention to the development of diseases and pests by regularly inspecting the leaves and flowers of the pansy, as well as its roots. Aphids and red spiders are often the main enemies. of this species, it is therefore advisable to treat it from the outset with appropriate insecticides and products. Finally, the shoots must also be pruned during part of the cycle. The ideal time to do this is during the summer. When it looks more withered Cut the branch closest to the trunk. That way you can clean it up and let it grow again with beautiful flowers in the fall.

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