The cost of divorce and how to handle it

It must be taken into account that each law firm offers different prices for its services. And it increases if minors are involved.

Divorce is not easy or pleasant. Either by mutual agreement, due to the deterioration of the relationship or due to occasional quarrels with your partner. Divorce, besides causing emotional suffering, It also causes financial consequences as well.The first step that couples must take is knowing what they want: a divorce or separation. Because they are not the same with the first option The marriage that unites the two candidates will definitely end. The second means more. termination of living together And in this case, it will have a greater impact on joint property even if the couple is still married.

Once you move forward and choose the option of divorce. You must always remember Each law firm offers different prices. of services and This increases if there are small children. In the middle. But when we reach the point where we want to make a firm decision to separate. We must choose to do it in two ways: by mutual agreement. It occurs when both parties have a desire to divorce, argue, When spouses do not reach an agreement and report divorceThis is a much shorter period of approximately 13 months, which saves time and money.

Divorce by mutual agreement

The benefits that can be seen from this type of divorce are: The cost will be much less.This is because this happens in cases where the people who are about to separate do not have a bad relationship and have come to an agreement. Therefore, spouses may share an attorney and attorney in this case. Moreover, this procedure is less slow than the controversial procedure because it is only done. Must submit a requestSigning of regular agreements and confirmation from the Family Court

The first step is knowing whether divorce or separation is better for the couple.
The first step is knowing whether divorce or separation is better for the couple.

contentious divorce

In this case, because the spouses were unable to reach an agreement. The process therefore takes much longer and costs as well. So we have to celebrate. A hearing in which each person must go with his or her own attorney and lawyer.This process is much more complicated if there is joint property or company in both names. or there are minors involved This is because supervision must also be carried out. Lawyers are generally available for this type of service. They usually have prices that vary from 800 to 1600.While a lawyer usually costs between 200 and 400 euros.

Urgent divorce

This is done when both people They want a divorce by mutual agreement. And they want to do it as quickly as possible. to be able to proceed Certain requirements must be met, for example, 3 months have passed since the wedding. and the spouse agrees to the conditions This way there is no need to go through the courts. Even though the steps This can be done via the internet, but it is recommended. Keep your attorney at all times. So that I can recommend a course of action to you. The cost of a lawyer for an urgent divorce usually costs between €100 and €120.

It must be remembered that These prices are indicative. Each lawyer or notary will then have a different price depending on the services that person needs. The price obtained thus covers the period during which the average trial costs are found.

In divorce by mutual agreement The cost will be much lower.
In divorce by mutual agreement The cost will be much lower.

You can also choose the option of Get a public defenderwhich will be completely free Although you must meet several requirements first. which are as follows:

You must be Spanish or a member of an EU country. In case you want to request foreign personThey must be resident in Spain.

You must show that your income is therefore low. You don’t have enough money to pay for a lawyer.If the divorce is according to mutual agreement The income of both people is taken into account. Yes, the opposite is true. It was a contentious divorce. Only the applicant’s income is taken into account. and must not exceed €18,000 when they are a family of less than four people and €22,000 when they are four or more.

Each law firm offers different rates.
Each law firm offers different prices.

except, Those women who have suffered from sexual violence They will have the right to a public defender.

So after seeing all the costs of divorce. you have to pay Be very prepared both mentally and financially.Because despite the terrible times that the couple faced when breaking up their relationship, But they face a long process and paperwork. There are some people who decide to save knowing all the expenses they will incur.

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