Ten legal tips to get rid of pinewood.

Squatting has become one of the biggest problems in small towns. There are many uninhabited houses.

Imagine you’ve been on vacation for a few days. And when you come back You find that your house is occupied by a stranger. In addition to the shock that may cause you, it is alsoIt can be daunting not to know how to legally dispose of these things.Taking justice into your own hands should not be an option. But you must take legal action to avoid further harm.

In Spain, approximately 90,000 people illegally occupy their homes. The figures do not include cases that went unreported due to fear or other currently unknown circumstances. Below is all the necessary information about pineapples and ten legal tips for getting rid of them:

1. Find out what the ‘intruder movement’ consists of.

Occupation is an urban phenomenon that has occurred in the Spanish state since the late 70s. There are now almost 90,000 people without a roof over their heads in Spain.Whether for various reasons, such as the difficulties that most teenagers face when it is time to liberate or the difficulty in finding a job. A reality that arises within the framework of the more than 6 million vacant houses that exist in our country. Since 1970, fifty years have passed and there is something to talk about. Many “invader movements”

This urban phenomenon never stops growing.This urban phenomenon never stops growing.

2. Stick to what the Spanish Constitution says.

Article 18.2 of the Spanish Constitution states: Any house is inviolable. Even for the police, who can access private homes only with permission from a judge. In the event of an investigation into the possibility of illegal activity. Until recently, home occupation was classified as a crime in the Criminal Code. However, the legal process is slow, complicated and, despite its narrow scope, can be dangerous for the owner.

3. Please note that laws can be updated at any time.

In 2011, this matter changed completely when New regulations have been put in place to deal with Pinewood residents. By enacting Law No. 5/2018 on June 11.. The law is called “Explicit eviction” From now on The owner can more easily recover the occupied apartment through civil means. Deadlines have been accelerated and requirements previously required by landlords have been reduced. However, this is not an effective regulation of bank-owned apartments.

Article 441 is regulated in the Civil Code. It explains the steps to follow to legally evict someone from Pinewood. It truly says so. “In any case Wealth is gained through violence. Naturally, the possessor cannot object.” “Whoever is created by an act or right to be deprived of the possession of anything Provided that the holder resists delivery. We must ask for help from the competent authorities.”

It is very difficult to get rid of squatting.It is very difficult to get rid of squatting.

Clearly, supporting civil process greatly facilitates the removal of squatters without excessive procedural steps. It’s more than that. It is possible to sue an unknown resident of a house, whereas previously it was necessary to identify the resident of a certain apartment.. Something that causes more participation and concern. This is because pinewood tends to change with time.

4. Study the techniques that Pinewood soldiers have to invade houses.

The Pinewoods are becoming more of a problem for Spain. A movement that has grown in recent years. This is due to various reasons such as social deprivation. This can only be improved through fairer social policies.

Pinewood residents often use a basic guide to determining home invasion patterns.For example, they try to collect information about assets. This is the first step and therefore They then try to find all the information about the property in the property records. Whether through the internet or other means. After this step, the Pinewood They created a plan to ensure that there were no security cameras and that there was only a small influx of people.In other areas of access to homes Attacks are often carried out through back doors and even windows.

Once inside the house or apartment Where will the Pinewood people go to the fort and sequester themselves? They will attempt to immobilize the lock to prevent the owner from entering using the key.and sometimes even blocking the doors with padlocks and padlocks to prevent police from entering without prior permission from the magistrate, which may only be in the first 48 hours of the occupation. Changing locks and storing them is another important point. Work completed in the first hour of living in the house If the property is occupied Pinewood residents will attempt to create a list of valuables to avoid being accused of theft.

The legal process is complex.The legal process is complex.

Another technique of Pinewood players is Dedicate all your time to delaying the legal process for home ownership.Pinewood residents do not need to be identified. And it makes the whole legal process complicated.

5. Notification in the first 48 hours.

The most experienced attorneys recommend that owners request eviction from Pinewood as soon as possible. Do they know in time or have their neighbors experienced the situation firsthand? Advance notice is required within the first 48 hours of your stay. To make everything easier As we will explain in detail below. Going to ordinary court to file for civil eviction can be time consuming for owners.

6. You can go to a specialized company.

It is also a recommended and safe option to go to Desokupa Exprés, a company that specializes in managing these cases efficiently. A company like this It has developed a system that is protected by law and allows Pinewood residents to be effectively and legally evicted from their homes..

Today’s Pinewood residents know to the letter how they must operate within the framework of the law.An example is that of some Pinewood gang members in Catalonia who entered a group of houses a few days before they were to be handed over to their future owners. They broke the lock and entered by force. When you get there They self-report with the aim of taking advantage of certain loopholes in the law.

7. Always do it legally.

When a previously specified request is filed You can request immediate delivery of your home at a later date. Judge before issuing any decision It opens a five-day period for the defendant to provide some names that prove they have a right to possession of your property. If Pinewood does not show reasons for taking possession of the said property. The court will order immediate delivery in this case..

Choose to use legality in your eviction.Choose to use legality in your eviction.

At this point it must be borne in mind that resource-strapped city councils can stretch their hours a little longer than usual. In any case The court’s decision will be made so that the eviction proceedings can take effect as quickly as possible.

8. What if it is property in your community?

Now if the problem is not in your house or apartment. But it’s a problem on property in your community and you want to know how to evict them. The situation was different. On many occasions, Pinewood residents can become a nightmare for the rest of the community.

It is very important to note that the residential house in this case is unoccupied or owned by the bank..In the first case, the Pinewood residents committed the offenses of trespassing and trespassing. This is regulated in Article 202 of the Criminal Code. In the second case, it is the offense of usurping real estate. which is controlled in Section 245.2

9. Procedures to follow if it is someone else’s property

seen in this situation The first thing you should do is inform the owner so he can file a complaint and begin the legal process. As we said before. Getting rid of trespassers on someone else’s property is not an easy task. There are very limited eviction mechanisms available if it is a residence in your neighboring community.

Be patient even if the process is complicated.Be patient even if the process is complicated.

In this case, The only thing within our power is to file a civil lawsuit if a Pinewood person engages in disruptive activity. Unhealthy, prohibited, or dangerousBy adhering to the property and community rules of neighbors. Not forgetting that you must notify Pinewood residents in advance to stop these activities as a result of which they harm the neighborhood as a whole.

10. Keep your mind sharp and don’t be discouraged.

The difficulties this matter has always faced from a legal point of view. and various aspects The possibilities are endless in each case. Whether due to ownership or proprietorship This area has some legal loopholes which need to be differentiated over time to deal with specific cases in the best way possible. Even so Don’t be discouraged because everything has a solution. And although sometimes it comes later, not faster. But it will definitely come. It is important that you always carry out the entire process legally.

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