Roses: types, characteristics and care

It is one of the most famous flowers and has many medicinal benefits. Learn everything about this plant and how to use it.

Roses are one of the most popular and well-known flowers in the world and belong to the Rosaceae family. Although the plants are also called rose bushes, But the common name for all flowers of this family, since there are about 30,000 varieties, has become rose. Moreover, since ancient times it has been suggested that this type of flower There are medical benefits.Some of which are still used in different parts of the world.

since ancient times It is said that this flower has medicinal properties. It’s what makes it so special and so famous. Ranked among the best-selling flowers in the world.Like carnations and tulips, it also supports commerce. This is because roses are one of the main ingredients in creating creams, perfumes, and other cosmetics.

The origin of the rose

Most of these plants come from Africa and Asia. As stated by a long-standing reference In fact, There are Chinese writings about gardening during the Imperial period, where they already talk about caring for these flowers.Because it is famous for its fragrance

It is one of the most popular flowers in the world.It is one of the most popular flowers in the world.

Roses can be seen in ancient Egypt in some images from that time where they were considered beautiful. Currently in Morocco and Türkiye, which is the coverage area of ​​this country. Aromatherapy from these plants is still very popular.

However, researchers still think it was the Greeks who introduced the rose to the rest of Europe. What is clear is that Both legend and culture play an important role in considering this flower as a symbol of passion.of love and some of the goddesses. Moreover, in ancient times the medicinal effects of roses were also studied. Because it helps relieve symptoms of the eyes, ears, head, etc.

Legends about the creation of roses

As well as the explanation of why things are different for roses, there are also legends that try to decipher the origin of this flower in special ways. and for example Ancient Greek legend says that the goddess Cybele created this flower. Because of Aphrodite’s unrivaled beauty, he wanted to be her rival. This creates a beautiful and delicate flower.

It has many medicinal powers.It has many medicinal powers.

On the other hand, It is said that it was Aphrodite who created the white rose to rival its beauty.Legend has it that he often carried it on his chest. Until one day The god Dionysus came so close to him that he dropped wine on the rose petals. And then a red rose was born

another onegreek mythology It is said that Aphrodite, also the protagonist, ran towards Adonis when he saw that he was seriously injured while fighting a boar, and while running, he cut off his foot. Blood from the wound fell to the ground, creating the world’s first rose.

Types of roses

Continuous crossbreeding has led to dramatic variations in rosette flower shape and color in recent years. This results in a better scent or appearance in some cases. However, there are many varieties of roses. But they are generally divided into three large groups according to their natural characteristics or date of origin.

Antique roses have been around since 1867.Antique roses have been around since 1867.
  1. wild rose: : The rest of the roses we can find today come from these flowers. Rosa banksiae, Rosa damascena, Rosa canina, Rosa Gallica, Rosa Virginiana, or Rosa rugosa are the most well-known.
  2. old rose: : These were known before 1867 and are still relatively unknown today. However, if you are going to start growing these types of plants, These plants are also recommended for you because they do not require much care or at least special care. In this group we will find some roses such as China, Alba, Centifolia, Bourbon, Damascene. Portland or Perpetual Hybrid and many more.
  3. modern rose bush: : This group consists of various varieties. Those that emerged after 1867 are the most popular varieties. Specifically known as hybrid tea. We can also find sarmentosa, miniature, floribunda, climbing plants, shrubs or carpet plants.

Discover messages based on the color of the rose.

As we said, there are many different varieties of roses. Because of this, many flowers come in different colors. A lot of this has to do with the message someone wants to convey when delivering that particular color of flower. The meaning of the colors of these flowers is:

  • red rose: They mean passion and love. It is the most characteristic symbol of the bride and groom and the lovers. Because it is given especially at weddings or Valentine’s Day.
  • white rose: Represents innocence and purity. They are the perfect addition to any bride on the most special day of her life.
  • pink rose: Symbol of respect, tolerance and compassion. It conveys love and tenderness if it is light pink. If the pink color is darker or darker, it means gratitude. A grateful person.
  • yellow rose: Represents friendship and happiness in some cultures. Although in some cultures this color is associated with envy.
  • blue rose: It is a clear symbol of miracles because it is part of legend and has never been seen in nature. It is used very often in literature.
  • gray or black rose: These are related to death or illness. Although in some cultures it is also a symbol of old age or sexuality.
  • orange rose: This color represents life and passion.
  • burgundy rose: Because of its deep red color, it is a symbol of beauty and elegance. Used as a decorative pattern in many occasions.
They are not plants that require much care.They are not plants that require much care.

Basic rose care

Although it is a delicate plant But there is no problem for them to adapt to both small and large gardens. The only thing to remember is:

  • You don’t need to water continuously because it doesn’t need to be watered continuously.But you have to be careful. It is best to drip water so that mold does not appear due to too much water. If you have this flower in a pot Should be watered every day. Be careful not to let the water flood.
  • These flowers are warm weather flowers. Therefore, it should be in an area with direct sunlight.. If this area is not available and can be placed only in a cooler place. What you should do is try to make sure that these areas don’t spend a lot of time with temperatures below 15 degrees.
  • Organic fertilizers are always the best option. Because in addition to improving the appearance of this plant It also helps restore plants in an effective and healthy way. Nutrients that plants need to bloom properly The ideal is to do it once a year.
  • Gently prune roses as they begin to bloom. Because if you catch it often Flowers can be damaged.
  • You must prune rose bushes completely to maintain the flowering cycle.That is, dry wood and branches that are not useful must be cut. Of course, remember to always do this above the yolk and at a 45 degree angle. The best time to care for this plant is in winter.
One of its main medicinal uses is as a mild laxative.One of its main medicinal uses is as a mild laxative.

Rose medicinal use

The old recipe is still used as a remedy today because the petals of this flower are very useful. One main medicinal use they have is that they can be used as a mild laxative in the form of an infusion.Some even believe that they act to eliminate intestinal parasites.

On the other hand, Rose water is also used to rinse your eyes if you have conjunctivitis or to relieve or reduce headaches and other symptoms.The seed oil of this plant is also considered beneficial for the good appearance of the skin. Helps in recovery and good healing. This is something that has been shown in various studies.

Finally, this flower is also used in cosmetics and beauty. or in aromatherapy This is a technique used in ancient Egypt. As some experts have proven. The natural aroma that this plant provides can reduce pain, grief, depression, or insomnia.. It is also associated with increased desire and passion.

It can also be used aesthetically.It can also be used aesthetically.

Curiosity of the Rose

  • Colombia and Ecuador are the two main rose exporters in the Americas.It is considered to be a significant annual income in this industry. Most of these flowers go to the United States market.
  • Roses are one of the most talked about flowers in literature, such as in the book ‘The Little Prince’; Musically, as in ‘The Der Rosenkavalier’ by Richard Strauss; In the theater and in the arts
  • Sales of this flower increase exponentially on Valentine’s Day.which sells mainly red
  • This is especially true in Spanish-speaking countries. Rosa name and its variations It is still very popular today. We can find names such as Rosie, Rosina, Rose or Rosalia.

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