Pros and cons of a kitchen open to the living room

The fact or act of combining a home’s kitchen with the living room is an idea that is gaining more and more followers.

A kitchen that opens into the living room is known decoratively as an American kitchen.. It is very fashionable today, because today’s apartments are small, and because of this you can add important, but necessary meters.

A kitchen that opens into the living room is known decoratively as an American kitchen.A kitchen that opens into the living room is known decoratively as an American kitchen.

For this reason There is a greater sense of spaciousness in this type of home. Because both the kitchen and living room remain in one space, however, the so-called American kitchen has its advantages. But there are also disadvantages and inconveniences. Next, we will talk with you about them and whether it is worth opening the kitchen to the living room.

Advantages of a kitchen open to the living room

  • The main advantage of American kitchens is that they are suitable for apartments with an area of ​​​​a few square meters and add space in it Combining two very important spaces in a home expands the home’s surface area.
  • Another advantage of opening the kitchen all the way to the living room is that the floor is visible. The decoration style is very modern and attractive.
  • The third advantage is because the space in the house is less divided. Therefore more light can enter the apartment. The kitchen has more natural light which Helps create a happy and positive atmosphere.
  • By having an increasingly larger area The kitchen can therefore be a much larger composition. Just like an American bar or breakfast table.
  • The last and no less important advantage is obtaining more spaciousness in the house in every respect. There is more communication between all family members. Something that is quite important these days.

Disadvantages of American kitchens

Opening the kitchen to the living room has many advantages. But there are also disadvantages that we will show you right away.

    • The main disadvantage that an open kitchen brings is that cooking odors may remain in the living room and other areas of the house. This type of disadvantage can now be avoided. By using a high-powered exhaust hood. That helps eliminate odors in the kitchen
    • Like the smell Having the kitchen directly connected to the living room will create some noise in the house. If you must put it in the microwave or dishwasher The sound of these devices in the living room can be annoying. The living room is a place to relax and read quietly. or watch television Fortunately, most appliances these days are relatively quiet. Even though cooking and other activities like washing the dishes can be annoying.


  • Another disadvantage of having an open kitchen is that it can be somewhat cluttered. It feels like a messy house with little organization. That is why it is almost always advisable to collect and organize a well-organized kitchen. Especially when there are visitors.
  • What may be an advantage can become a major disadvantage. Opening the kitchen to the living room improves the interaction between different family members. But it can also be annoying when it comes to quiet moments.There is no door to keep the kitchen separate while the kids Stay in the living room playing or watching TV.
 Kitchens that open into the living room have their own advantages and disadvantages as well. Kitchens that open into the living room have their own advantages and disadvantages as well.

As you can see, a kitchen open to the living room has its own advantages. But there are disadvantages as well. There are many people who have decided on the aforementioned American style kitchen and are satisfied with the result. While there are still people who are not confident in turning the kitchen into a living room. Each person is the world and The type of house or apartment is important when deciding whether to combine the living room and kitchen in one space. For example, if a couple lives in an apartment and doesn’t normally spend a lot of time at home. The option of joining both rooms may be a good idea.

On the contrary If it is a family with many children The best idea is to keep these areas separate and independent. In any case You will need to assess your different needs and choose one home or another. The truth is that nowadays Combining the kitchen with the living room is an idea that is gaining more and more followers. This is especially true when expanding the size of your home or apartment. Now all you have to do is weigh the pros and cons. And decide what you think is convenient and necessary for your home.

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