Marigolds: types, characteristics and care

This plant is one of the most popular plants in gardening. Because it doesn’t require much care And the beautiful, colorful flowers remain available all year long.

Marigolds are one of the most popular plants used in gardening. It is also called buttercup or marigold. Its scientific name is Calendula officinalis and it is a plant in the same family as chrysanthemums or daisies. Most of the specimens found today come from the Mediterranean and Asian areas, but It is a flower that originates from Egypt.Therefore, they are used in relatively warm climates and receive direct sunlight. Because it is a plant that has been cultivated for thousands of years. So there is belief. and various theories A lot happened For example, in Greek culture it was believed that Marigolds are a symbol of the sun.While in many cultures It is believed to have the power to eliminate negative thoughts or help make wishes come true.

Characteristics of this plant

You can find many different types of marigolds. Therefore, its height varies greatly from one specimen to another. Not less than 15 centimeters in height and not more than 1 meter in height.. Its flowers are dyed yellow and orange. The oval leaves are dark green and can be up to 10 centimeters in length. The flowering period of marigolds is quite long. It starts in early spring and stays that way until winter arrives. Because it is a plant that resists low temperatures very well, up to 2 or 3 degrees below zero. Due to its lush flowering and does not require much care. Marigolds are therefore one of the most popular plants in gardening.

Types of marigolds

now You can find up to 20 species of this flower.Most have spectacular flowers with petals colored in shades of yellow, orange and red. The most well-known and cultivated types of marigolds include:

The height of marigolds varies greatly and can reach up to one meter.The height of marigolds varies greatly and can reach up to one meter.
  • African marigold: It is also known as the American marigold and has stems that can reach up to one meter in height. The flowers are quite large and rounded in shape, dyed in various colors such as yellow, orange or beige.
  • French marigold: This variety grows between 15 and 50 centimeters tall and has flowers with double petals that grow into tassels similar to African marigolds. The shade can vary between yellow, gold, orange or red.
  • Triploid marigold: This variety is a mix between African marigold and French marigold. So when the time has come hybrid strainsIt is very difficult to create patterns of certain colors.
  • Mexican marigold: Its special feature is that it has a fragrant aroma similar to star anise when the petals are broken. The same applies to French marigolds. Mexican marigolds can also reach a height of 1 meter, although the flowers are quite small and do not exceed 2 centimeters.

Basic care

calendula It is not a plant that requires constant care.Therefore, it is suitable for those who do not have much time to take care of their garden or for those who are new to the world of gardening. When it’s time to plant, this can be done from mature flowering specimens or from seeds. And you can choose to grow them both in the garden or in pots. The best time to do this is during the spring or fall. But be sure to always place the plant in a place that receives direct sunlight.

You should water moderately.You should water moderately.

To grow marigolds from seed You’ll need to start by finding a suitable seedbed or pot. This is because there must be a hole at the bottom to drain water. Then you should add the substrate and water to the hole until the soil is slightly moist. But there is no standing water. Then place 1 or 2 seeds in each seed bed slightly separated from each other. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of substrate. Then water again using a sprayer. Finally, place the seed bed in an area that receives direct sunlight and regular water. Approximate germination time is 1 or 2 seeds.And when the plant is already 5 centimeters tall, it can be transplanted into a pot.

For watering marigolds It should be moderate to prevent the soil from being waterlogged. Give it regularly for 2 weeks in the summer. On the contrary, during the winter it is not necessary to water it more than 2 or 3 times. As for the substrate, It is not an overly demanding plant. But you will always need to make sure that the soil has good drainage. The ideal season for fertilizing is spring and summer. with a frequency of more or less 15 days. When the flowers are finished blooming at the beginning of winter You will need to prune your marigolds to make them grow stronger again. To do this, you just need to remove the withered branches and change the soil if growing in a pot. Finally, aphids, whiteflies or caterpillars are some of the diseases that most often affect this plant. and should be avoided by taking appropriate measures.

It has become an important ingredient in cosmetics.It has become an important ingredient in cosmetics.

Marigold’s properties

This plant is not only used for garden decoration or on plates or paintings when the flowers are dry. But we also know some of the health benefits that make it an important ingredient in cosmetics. For example, when used externally, it is very beneficial to the skin, such as helping to heal and heal wounds and wounds, but also to Antibacterial properties anti-inflammatory And its soothing effects are often used on bites, burns, and fungus.Another way to eat is to make a brew by boiling dried or fresh flower petals with a little water to use as a digestive medicine or to detoxify the body.

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