Lilies: types, characteristics and care

Lilies are one of the most common plants. So discover some interesting and above all the best ways to care for lilies.

Lily is a flower that belongs to the genus Lilium. Belongs to the Liliaceae family. and in the ranks of Lilial This type of flower is widely used in garden decoration. as well as being used in flower arrangements or given as giftsBecause of its pleasant aroma and medicinal properties, which have been shown for many years. This makes it one of the most chosen flowers among all the flower types available.

There are many types of lilies, which vary in size, color and leaf shape. However, the best known are: medioloid, Journey’sEnd, speciosumvar rubrum, SterlingStar and StarGazer, and martagon. In addition, because of the elegance of this flower It is part of the emblems of some countries, institutions, and homes..

It is common to find them in mountains or forested areas. Although you can see them in completely different weather conditions, such as in swamps.The expansion of this flower occurred as a result of voyages of discovery reaching the Mediterranean, India, Asia, Canada and the United States.

Lilies can be found in mountains, wooded areas, or swamps.Lilies can be found in mountains, wooded areas, or swamps.

this factory It is known all over the world and contributes significantly to the economy in some countries. Such as Holland, which produces the most lily bulbs for shipment to countries such as Canada, Europe and the United States. and Colombia, a country where significant business can be done from growing flowers. However, sales of this type of flower have gradually decreased due to the economic crisis. And now sales are focused on more expensive and much better quality varieties.

Origin of the name

lily It has a very important place in popular culture thanks to its symbols and representations.. Its name comes from the Latin “lilium”. At first this name was called only white lilies or lilies. But over time, it began to be used to refer to all flowers in the genus Liliaceae.

However, the word lily is the name given to the lily flower in many parts of the world. It has its origins in the Middle East, that is, in ancient Egypt. but also in Aramaic and Hebrew. The name given to Spanish comes from Arabic..

Lilies are also called lilies.Lilies are also called lilies.


The origin of the lily dates back thousands of years to ancient Egypt. It means the sacred power of the gods in the land of the pharaohs.Especially the god Horus, who, according to legend, created the entire Egyptian population. Lilies are so powerful that they can decorate the coffins and palaces of kings. For many years it was believed that this flower could be found in the northern hemisphere. But this is not so.

On the other hand, in ancient Greece this type of flower It is associated with the union of the worlds of eternal beings and humans, as well as happiness and the most beautiful goddesses. Because of the beauty of flowers out of curiosity Today it is customary to plant lilies near the place where the dead are preserved. As we can find in the cemetery

Many years later, in the Middle Ages, lilies This can be seen in Christian murals and paintings. Because it symbolizes purity and purity as well as wealth, artists also use lilies to decorate the residences of the richest people and castles. On the other hand, the best known lily around the world today is the oriental lily. It comes from species native to Japan and Korea. and is widely used in making creams and aromatic perfumes.

Lilies are used to decorate murals and paintings.Lilies are used to decorate murals and paintings.


It is a plant that can measure perfectly one meter in height. A perennial plant with underground leaf stems.Thanks to the fact that they are able to store nutrients and winter without difficulty, that is, they are very hardy and durable plants. During the colder months of the year Lilies are also preparing to bloom. However, their germination pattern varies according to location and weather conditions.

As for the tone, Lily flowers vary in color depending on the species.But white is the most common and most purchased. There are also many perfumes that have the fragrance of this flower because of its nice fragrance.

The color of lily flowers varies according to the species.The color of lily flowers varies according to the species.

On the other hand, It is a plant that has very good medicinal properties, which not everyone knows about.And for example, the oil from this flower is beneficial to fully relaxing the body. Reduce inflammation caused by bruises or injuries, or use it to apply to wounds, skin marks, freckles, and burns if we use this oil in the brew. It will have a very good diuretic effect on our body.

Poultices made from lilies can help make warts look better. The warmer the poultice, the better. The more powerful the flower’s properties, the greater its total properties. Finally, another medicinal use of this flower is its biologically active power in the world of cosmetics, because Improves the appearance of the skin and helps in skin regeneration.. For this reason, anti-aging creams are widely used.

Lily improves the skin by regenerating it.Lily improves the skin by regenerating it.


Like many places People do not believe in the symbolism of plants. But for many people, this is very important and is an aspect that they consider, for example, when giving things as gifts. If you want to give them lilies, Do not forget to do this taking into account the symbolism, which depends on the color of the petals:

  • orange lily: Refers to unchanging love, desire, and youthful passion. and hot like fire
  • yellow lily: It is a symbol of a couple who are full of happiness, loving each other with true, warm and pleasant feelings.
  • red lily: Red lilies symbolize passionate and passionate love. It is the best gift that can be given to a couple to propose or come with a lily scented perfume.
  • white lily: Like other plants of this color. White lilies symbolize a pure heart, kindness, innocence… The number of flowers that can be seen in a bride’s bouquet increases as they get married.
  • purple lily: This color conveys desire and passion. But it conveys much more extremes. Ideal for picky honeymoons where things don’t go well. It can happen.
  • colorful lilies: A symbol of loyalty, respect, and friendship, as well as the sincerity of both the giver and the receiver of flowers.
Lilies depending on color represent different thingsLilies depending on color represent different things


Although lilies are easy to grow and adapt to any climate, But you have to take into account many things if you want them to maintain themselves in the best way possible after planting.

First of all, let’s say that. The best time to plant lilies is in the fall.It is best to plant the bulbs in a location with porous soil that receives direct sunlight and has good drainage. Be careful not to plant this flower near other flowers because the flowers need a lot of nutrients on their own. Maintain a distance of at least 15 centimeters between the bulbs.

Insert the bulb into the hole not less than 10 centimeters deep. Be careful and make sure that all sides are well covered with soil. So that its roots do not suffer from the heat.. As for watering, you must try not to drown but must be consistent, which is an important factor for good growth. When the flowers bloom Will need to use less water. Even though it is grown in very dry areas.

Lilies were widely used by royal families.Lilies were widely used by royal families.

On the other hand, mulch with lots of fertilizer if you plant lots of winter bulbs. This procedure can be done again when the lilies begin to bloom. When is the time to cut flower buds? Don’t touch the flower stems to keep them blooming next season..

Be careful because lilies are like any other plant. that are exposed to diseases and pests such as rust, septoria, gray mold, aphids, snails and snails


  • For the wedding of Crown Prince Victoria of Sweden and businessman Daniel Westing, they were sent out. Nearly ten thousand lilies From Colombia to Stockholm
  • That lily related to europeThis is especially true of France, where it was a symbol of kings such as Louis VII, and the flower symbolized honour, loyalty, purity of spirit, nobility, power and sovereignty.
  • King Louis VII He was the first king to wear a fleur-de-lis. On a stamp in France
  • “Flor de Lis” is a symbolic representation of a yellow lily with three petals pointing upwards.
  • The lily is part of the symbolism of world scout movement.
  • Many people believe that if you dissolve aspirin in a vase filled with water and lilies, You can improve its appearance and even This makes them live much longer. time

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