How to save to cart?

If you want to know some basic tips or tricks to save as much money as possible in your daily shopping cart. This article is for you.

According to information from consumer organizations and users The average cost of a Spanish shopping cart is €398.65 per month, which means More than 4,700 euros per year only in supermarket purchases..

However, there is always room for improvement. And considering the current trends in price increases due to inflation. It is considered an even more interesting aspect. In the beginning We need to focus on the most basic techniques that everyone is aware of, however, we don’t always apply them. Desire plays a special role. Or when we go to a particular supermarket. Because it catches us walking by or there’s something that’s only sold there. We end up spending more because we aren’t looking for the best deals. of the prices available in the market

Shopping cart prices have been implemented in a very outstanding manner.Shopping cart prices have been implemented in a very outstanding manner.

We have to start from the base to take this into account. The foundation of these savings lies in planning.That is, the shopping list is prepared in advance and we are aware of our real needs and adapt it more or less to what we consume. That list. It should also be provided depending on the supermarket we will be visiting. This time I won’t buy things that aren’t worth it. And of course this list must be the result of a previous comparison between the products we use regularly and where we find them. Better value for money offers.

Those simple tips and tricks are where you’ll find them. The secret to greater successThe problem is that because of carelessness or laziness, many times we don’t do anything at all.

Very simple tips and tricks

If you don’t want to break the bank any more than necessary Don’t overlook these details that will save you a lot of money. Take note:

1. White brand

They are much cheaper than well-known brands that specialize in certain products. It is true that some quality is much lower. However, the shopping cart is the result of a long period of time. A buying experience tailored to your personal tastes.. So you have to do Comparison and recognition exercisesThat is, search for products. White label that covers all your needs Without having to pay more for the same product but with a brand name. Or consider which product is more profitable for you to invest a little more by purchasing a brand name product.

Comparing prices between supermarkets and brands is essential to saving money.Comparing prices between supermarkets and brands is essential to saving money.

2. The importance of choosing the right supermarket

This issue is perhaps the most controversial. This is because families increasingly tend not to shop at a single supermarket. Or it changes depending on the random events of the day or is controlled by certain products that will cause . The purchase of one. Taking that into account Since 2021, Spain’s shopping basket has increased by almost 15%.Some supermarkets have had more noticeable increases than others. The average difference between the most expensive and cheapest supermarket in the city is about 900 euros.According to OCU, the two networks that abuse inflation the most are Mercadona and DIA, at least Alimerka or Carrefour Express. Here is your information and conclusions:.

3. Strictness regarding established items

This seems to be The most effective tips. As we have already said. This list should be limited to your conclusions over time.

  • If you find yourself in a moment where you need to save a life. That’s important. Don’t create anything new in your shopping cart.Unless you have already tried it or someone close to you has recommended some products.
  • Still, additional tools can be added to this technique to make it more effective. For example, Personal Excel where you compare prices In the supermarket various of your products are used in daily life.
  • You can also choose to Online entries in your mobile phone’s notes.When you notice that something is running out in the house or a need arises. You should write it down. This way, you won’t make unnecessary trips to the supermarket that cost you more than you expected.
  • Another technique that is very suitable for this era is Make purchases onlineThis is the most effective way to avoid skipping a budget and follow your list literally.
Knowing what you are buying and what you need is important to avoid spending more.Knowing what you are buying and what you need is important to avoid spending more.

For more advanced tips…

  1. Plan your weekly menu. This way you will know which fresh fruits or vegetables to buy and you will not make crazy unnecessary purchases that waste food and money.
  2. Take advantage of deals on perishable food or food you use in large quantities.That is, don’t waste it buying products you don’t use just because they’re on sale, as they may not be needed in your home or may not last long if they’re fresh.
  3. Bulk and seasonal products… On the other hand, it may be important to adapt our needs to the time or season of year in which we find ourselves. Interestingly, fruits or vegetables consumed at home are seasonal as they are cheaper and more sustainable.
  4. Frozen products can mean big savings. in your pocket Considering the fact that these products are cheaper than fresh products such as fish, the fact that these products can be consumed for a very long period of time is also a factor to consider.
  5. Loyalty plans and cards for customers. Some supermarkets offer the possibility of creating cards with special offers and accumulating points. Among them are Carrefour, DIA, Alcampo…
  6. Interesting mobile apps and focus on promoting savings For example, in the case of buying something like Food Planer, SoySuper or Tiendeo, it is interesting. Another interesting thing is that it is very trendy among influencers, tiktokers or YouTubers. Too Good To Go app. This promotion focuses on avoiding food waste and offers food and products from both food chains and supermarkets at very low prices. However, you won’t know what’s in the package until you receive it. When you have paid
  7. Shopping without being hungryIt’s an open secret when you shop during meals. You’ll overbuy and everything will look more appetizing. By buying products that, once you’re full, won’t attract your attention at all.
  8. consistent with this Buying late at night is also interesting to find special discounts. and offer fresh products for sale as they cannot be used in the following days
at the last minute  Fresh food is also available in most the last minute Fresh food is also available in most supermarkets.

Regarding the finer things related to marketing…

There are three keys that need to be taken into account:

  • If you don’t want to buy a lot, it’s better to use a basket instead of a cart.So you don’t feel like you’re buying too little or that you’re too high.
  • On the other hand, The cheapest products are always found at the bottom of the shelves.While the most expensive ones are at eye level where it’s easier to stare.
  • To be consistent with product sales Essential items are always at the back of the supermarket.So you have to wander over to look at products that you might not be interested in but might entice you to buy. If you stop and look, the products found near the checkout are often of little use. So while you are waiting for payment for your purchase. You decide to buy those things. If those things are in another part of the supermarket You’ll never notice them.

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