How to repel flies with number 58

Flies are one of the most repellent insects available. Discover solutions and tips to keep them away.

It is likely that more than once we have seen it. poster number 58 Hanging on the wall of a food establishment such as a butcher or fishmonger. or hospitality establishments such as bars or restaurants where food products are visible to consumers. Sometimes these are not only exposed to the weather conditions of the location. But it also has a positive impact if the temperature is sufficient. And it will have a negative effect if this is not the case, for example in the case of the air conditioner not working in the summer, but also Having contact with insects that can reach them

No. 58 flies away

For this reason, many workers in these establishments choose to hang a poster with the number 58 on the wall. urban legend It is believed that by doing this the flies will not go near the area where the paper is located because They are believed to be confusing. Numbers printed with spider webs Then they will move away from it.

This urban legend is believed to have worked for centuries.This urban legend is believed to have worked for centuries.

However, this popular belief has no basis in science, therefore. cannot be shown That really worked. In fact, in 2017 it became so popular in our country’s regional media that many bars and restaurants tried the technique out. Keep away from flies. and other insects from your food and beverages on display in your establishment.

But even though this measure is used very often In different parts of Spain, this does not mean that it is effective or has a scientific basis, and pictures of many customers who went to these establishments and still found flies were also published on social networks at the time. Even though they had several posters with the number 58 printed on the wall.

The fact of repelling food flies with number 58 has not been scientifically proven.The fact of repelling food flies with number 58 has not been scientifically proven.

This belief is not only popular on the streets of our country. but also includes other beliefs In southern Europe as well, such as Italy, this practice is already being implemented. There are those who claim that It is thousands of centuries old. And their ancestors have been doing it for a long time to keep flies away from their homes, places, and establishments. prevent Therefore, food and consumers

Why it doesn’t work and other ways

When asking experts in the industrial sector, it was found that Technique number 58 to repel flies It doesn’t work.This is because these insects cannot recognize numbers like spider webs and cannot identify true insect traps. Because otherwise they wouldn’t fall in as easily as usual.

The effectiveness of the insecticide has been proven.The effectiveness of the insecticide has been proven.

So if we want to keep flies away from our business or home, we should. Look for other alternative techniques.Another popular myth is that you can repel flies by stabbing half a lemon with the spice of cloves inside. together with the food we want protect.Although flies don’t like the smell too much. But they might also continue to eat leftover food, so it wouldn’t be an effective technique either. or there is no scientific evidence

Another popular belief is to keep flies away from food or certain areas. Place the water bag Hanging from the ceiling? water bottle Plastic on the floor too. wine or beer. With a bag, if the water remains dirty for a long time, what we will do is attract other insects such as mosquitoes of various types and sizes. And in the case of a bottle with alcohol inside on the floor, what we will do is Attracts more flies and other insects.

Many people also fumigate their homes and premises.Many people also fumigate their homes and premises.

so A better way To get rid of flies too Special products To drive these insects away Most of them are chemicals and cannot come into direct contact with food products, so many stores are trying to find them. natural choice And they believe in these famous legends without any foundation or scientific basis. The most recommended thing is for you to contact an expert in this sector. And they can correct the presence of flies in your establishment to improve your business. And realize that it depends on where we are located and the time of year. The appearance of these insects It cannot be fixed.This is something the customer must understand and you cannot always control. If you feel like trying these popular remedies that do not contain toxic or aggressive products, you can do it Although its effectiveness has not been proven But you won’t lose anything by trying it. and see what kind of effects occur or Not when you know that. You don’t lose anything either. To hang a poster with the number 58 on the wall, for example.

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