How to remove chewing gum – Pk serfing

Stepping on chewing gum on the road or sitting on it is not good. But removing chewing gum from clothing can be a nightmare.

Chewing gum is delicious. But the problem started when instead of dropping it on the floor, Instead, he spits on the floor. Stepping on one while walking down the street or sitting on one stuck on a park bench is very bad luck. It’s not easy to take off..Even worse is that it gets stuck in your hair. These gums can cause headaches when you have to remove them. Because nothing seems to be able to remove it. If this happened to you Don’t abandon your clothes (or hair), as there are some homemade tricks that can make them come off. Which we will tell you about below.

Peeling gum from clothing

If the scurf is stuck to your pants or shirt Maybe a simple technique These may help you remove them without damaging your clothing. One option if the gum isn’t too sticky is to rub with ice cubes Until it hardens and you can remove it little by little by pulling carefully. You may need to scratch the knife a bit to remove it completely. This ice trick can be used on home textiles such as carpets, cushions, or sofas if the gum is already stuck to the fabric. You may not be able to remove the ice. Therefore, try the opposite method: use heat for it, Run a hot cloth over the area where the gum is. Place a little parchment or baking paper in between to protect the garment. When exposed to heat little by little The gum will come off.

To remove chewing gum from clothing You'll have to try using ice or heat.
To remove chewing gum from clothing You’ll have to try using ice or heat.

If you can’t get rid of it with these techniques, There are also more aggressive alternatives. Therefore, we recommend that you use it only on non-delicate clothing. One of them is use gasolineBy applying it directly onto the gums. This will dissolve and you can just pop the fabric in the washing machine to remove the lint. (and gasoline) if you use this method It is very important that you do not have any heat sources nearby. Because gasoline is highly flammable. You also shouldn’t rub your clothes. Another option is Apply a little turpentine. Using a scrubbing pad Then gently rub the cloth. And finally, put the clothes in the washing machine according to the program you normally use.

Peel gum off the floor or furniture.

Sometimes you don’t even need to remove chewing gum from your clothes. But be sure to remove the gum from floors or furniture in your home. And although this may seem simpler, But there are times when this is not the case. When it comes to sidewalks or parks, special machines with high-pressure water are often used. But at home this is not always possible and you have to resort to other types of techniques.You can try ice. Although this time you’ll need more than just cubes. Fill a bag with ice and place it on top of the gum until it is completely cool. You can then remove it by gently scraping with a knife or spatula. Vegetable oils also tend to have good results. In these cases Put a little oil on a cotton pad and press it on the gums for a few minutes and rub to loosen the gums. Of course, you’ll need to remove the oil stains later.

In case there is gum on the sole of the shoe You can try using ice as well.
In case there is gum on the sole of the shoe You can try using ice as well.

However, if the gum sticks together too much, You may need to take action. Turn to using chemicals to get rid of it.. Start by rubbing with cleaning solution. Wipe the gum with a small amount of cotton or a clean cloth. Let the liquid sit for a few minutes, then rub with a clean cloth to remove any bits of gum. Next, try removing the remaining bits by scrubbing with a little soap and water. And finally, apply a little acetone. Use a cotton ball to rub the remaining gum with acetone until it disappears a little at a time. This product is quite harsh. Therefore, you should not use it on varnished or painted surfaces.

Peel the gum off the soles of your shoes.

In this case, you can try using ice cubes to harden them and then scrape them off. If that doesn’t work, place the shoes in a plastic bag. Just put the part of the shoe’s sole that has gum stuck on it. Then use your fingers to press the gum so that it sticks to the plastic. Then put the bag with the shoes in the freezer. Keep away from any leftover food you have inside and let it sit for a few hours. Afterward, remove the shoes from the bag so that most of the gum is stuck to the plastic.

To remove chewing gum from your hair You can do this using oil and cotton.
To remove chewing gum from your hair You can do this using oil and cotton.

Another way to remove gum from the soles of your shoes is to remove chewing gum from the soles of your shoes. Use a small amount of fabric softener spray or solvent product.. Spray the soles of your shoes and let the liquid take effect for a few minutes. Finally, rub with a clean towel or cloth to remove it. If you’re stuck, you may need to repeat the process several times. Finally, if these techniques don’t give you confidence, You can also try using dry sand. Sprinkle a little gum until completely covered. Then use a toothpick to rub it to remove it. This option is ideal if the gum is still fresh.

Peeling gum from hair

There’s no doubt that this is one of a hair lover’s worst nightmares, and the sooner you remove the gum, the better. If you don’t want to deal with a hairdresser’s scissors Here are a few tricks that might help you. Pour a little olive oil over the twists. The chewing gum is stuck and left for a few minutes until it softens. Then remove it using a fine toothbrush. Another option that is more effective, although somewhat harsh on the hair, is Use alcohol to soften it.Of course, you’ll need to wash your hair quickly and condition it with a mask. Finally, you can always try softening it with ice cubes. Then slowly peel off little by little until completely removed.

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