How to prepare your home for the cold weather

Staying cooler at home than on the street is a very serious problem. Here are a few tips to avoid this.

Winter has arrived. And with it came the terrifying cold. And if you are one of those cold people There’s nothing worse than having your house frozen over. The weather is colder than outside. For this reason, so that this situation does not happen to you. You need to prepare your house. small house Yours will become the best place.If you want to know a few tips that will help you do this. Please continue reading this article.

Verify that everything is working properly.

The first thing you should check is that everything is working as expected. It’s only when the cold weather hits our home that we know we have a heater.That is, when we try to turn it on over and over again to check that it doesn’t work or that the power isn’t too much, so the first thing we should do is check whether everything is working correctly or not. If not, then we’ll have to call an expert. Fix this problem

Have good insulation in your home.

To protect our home well, we must Check all doors, windows, or objects that have access to the outside. With foam or silicone to prevent cold from entering our home.

In the same way If your house is very old and you have never replaced the windows. Maybe this is the time you should consider changing. Because it will cause a lot of heat to escape. And if you have a heater You will stupidly lose money with no consequences. It is clearly noticeable in your home. We recommend that if you are replacing your windows Choose a dual system Because this is the one that protects against the cold the best.

We must avoid catching a cold at home.We must avoid catching a cold at home.

Blinds and curtains Your great partner

To further insulate your home, you must Check that the blinds are working properly. and closing the blinds What we will do is build a wall in our house to protect us from the cold. In the same way Curtains can also act as a barrier to cold air that you can’t prevent from entering your home. A solution to improve this system that does not require a lot of money and is very effective is installation. Double curtains: double drop, blind or any formula works very well. Run it at night and on your bill and you’ll notice.

Thermostat Features

If you don’t have one yet, you should know that it’s amazing, especially for They control the temperature and thanks to them we can set the desired degrees in our home. And the thermostat regulates the temperature so you don’t have to endure the annoying dips and rises that occur when you have to do it manually. Likewise, this will save you a few euros on your bill. which is not Too bad on days when expenses skyrocket.

Take out the duvet and blanket.

This is important. That time of year comes when we just want to wrap ourselves up in our favorite blanket. This is because creating the temperature inside the blanket itself will be the most effective way to ward off the cold in winter.

When going to bed, dusting off the duvet that has been in the closet for several months is an absolute necessity. This will prevent you from catching a cold while you sleep. And more importantly Don’t catch a cold. As we all know, catching a cold while sleeping can cause you to wake up the next morning with a runny nose, cough, and even a sore throat.

Blankets and hot cups to combat the coldBlankets and hot cups to combat the cold

We know there’s nothing worse than coming home from work cold and tired and finding your bed freezing, so we’re here to give you a little secret: If You buy a pair of beds. Refillable thermal bagWith a kettle you can heat water. Fill these bags and put it around bed for five minutes While you have something to eat, put on your pajamas and prepare everything for the next day. Your bed will be very warm and Ready for you to experience

Is the boiler working properly?

Usually in most models the pressure ranges from 1.2 to 1.5 bar, which is why it is recommended that you turn on the boiler and wait about 5 minutes. When this time has passed if the pressure adjusts to these margins. You will know that everything is working normally, correctly. But what if it isn’t and the pressure rises? You may have to throw it away. While if it is lower than that, you just need to open the faucet a little to let more water into the heating circuit.

Change the direction of the fan

You might think it’s nonsense. But the truth is If you have a ceiling fan It is necessary to change direction because Hot weather tends to increase. So having a fan that can send energy back down will make your home feel much warmer. In this case, the propeller must rotate clockwise.

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