How to make a custom cardboard box step by step.

There are various situations. You will need to use the box. This is because you need to give a personal gift to a friend or family member. Or do you just want to have some boxes on your bookshelf to put all your books or to store your things? There are boxes that are custom made because they won’t fit you unless How do we know this might be a minor annoyance? Especially if you don’t know where to start. We will show you How to make a custom cardboard box step by step.So you will see that it is very simple. And you just need to know the required size and have some patience.

How to make a custom cardboard box step by step.

The box is always Practical and economical solution To solve storage problems Many times we have small things. Rolling on the table, pens, paper, lighters, etc., these are small items. That gives a picture of disorder.

What could be better than making our own box where we can keep all these little things perfectly close at hand? Stored in a beautiful box We made it ourselves and decorated it in other parts of the room.

In the wonderful world of cardboard, there are different materials from which to make these types of boxes. Especially when we’re not clear on what size is appropriate or what. Type of object that we will save In her the most used are:

  • gray cardboard box.
  • corrugated cardboard.
  • Cardboard recycled from boxes.

It is important to know what we are keeping inside so that we can do it. Calculate the resistance of the box. So choose the cardboard that best suits your needs.

Don’t miss:

How to make a square cardboard box

To make a square cardboard box You will only need cardboard, which can be anything you want. Although the best is coated cardboard, which is more durable, you must Cut three pieces of this cardboard into 10×10 cm pieces and two into 10×10.5 cm pieces.

We glued all three 10×10 pieces together. with contact glue Place a thread of glue on one edge. Leave it for a few minutes and then glue one of the pieces. Repeat with the third piece.

How to make a square cardboard box

Next you must Glue the other two pieces. to the excess side you left relative to the first three pieces you glued. To do this, you need to place a thread of contact glue on the three edges attached to the already created workpiece. Once everything is glued, we have to do it. Use varnish glue to make the parts fit well from the inside.

Once our box is created We can line up the lines well to make them more durable. We can use kraft paper. That we will glue on each side and also on the base and inside of the box. When everything is dry We just decorate the box as we want.

How to make a cardboard box with A4 cardboard

We have seen how we can make cardboard boxes that are square in shape or even have lids. But they can also be made with regular cardboard, or much easier with a sheet of paper. In order to do this You just have to do it. Cut the cardboard into square pieces and follow the steps we have listed now. The pictures you will see are from the craft blog.

How to make a cardboard box, step 1

Step 1 : Start with a square piece of paper. With the pretty side facing down, make a small pleat in the middle of each side. You can also lightly mark each fold with a pencil.

How to make a cardboard box, step 2

Step 2 : Fold the four corners towards the center. Use the crease from the previous step as a guide.

How to make a cardboard box, step 3

Step 3 : Fold and unfold each side toward the center.

How to make a cardboard box, step 4

Step 4: Reveal everything You will get a pleated pattern as shown in the picture. Cut along the thick line.

How to make a cardboard box, step 5

Step 5 : Fold the top and bottom corners towards the center.

How to make a cardboard box, step 6

Step 6 : Fold the flap up along the dotted line so that it points directly towards you.How to make a cardboard box, step 7

Step 7: Fold the top and bottom edges so they are pointing towards you.

How to make a cardboard box, step 8

Step 8: It should be like this Now fold the left and right wings towards the center.

How to make a cardboard box, step 9

Step 9: That’s finished!

How to make a box cover

In addition to the cardboard or cardboard boxes we just described, We can also create the desired lid from whole cardboard or a larger sheet to fit over the top of the box you just made.

How to make a cardboard box cover, step 1

Step 1 : Follow steps 1 to 3 of the instructions we provided to make a cardboard box. Then unfold until your paper looks like this: Finally, fold the top and bottom edges towards the center. As shown here with the dashed line.

How to make a cardboard box cover, step 2

Step 2 : Fold and unfold according to the dotted lines shown in the image above.

How to make a cardboard box cover, step 3

Step 3 : Unfold the paper completely. You will get a pleated pattern like this. Cut along the thick line.

How to make a cardboard box cover, step 4

Step 4 : Fold the top and bottom corners towards the center.

How to make a cardboard box cover, step 5

Step 5: Fold along the dotted lines shown here.

How to make a cardboard box cover, step 6

Step 6: The remaining folds are the same as in steps 6 and up of the basic instructions. Fold the flap up so it is facing you, etc…

How to make a cardboard box cover, step 7

Step 7: That’s finished! You already have a cardboard or cardboard box with a matching lid.

Photo gallery: How to make a custom cardboard box step by step.

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