How to detect aphids on plants

Plants become an important element in decorating. But like other living things We must take care and try to prevent the aphids from taking over.

Plants can be a great home decorating element. both in the interior space and on the balcony, balcony or garden. However, we must remember that these They are living things. and therefore They therefore need a lot of basic care to ensure that. They are always well fed. and have the best physical health

Although they do not interact with other plants, they are present. Many external agents That can affect the health of our plants, so we must learn to detect signs of certain diseases, such as fungi or pests. in order to be able to respond in time Eliminate as many of them as you can. and guarantee that our factory Be healthy again and looks as good as we want

We must learn to detect signs of disease, such as mold, to get timely results.
We must learn to detect signs of disease, such as mold, to get timely results.

As for the aphids One of the most common types of insects that attacks plants both indoors and outdoors in large cities There are many reasons why our plants suffer from this pest. Therefore, we must know how to detect it and contact a specialist. gardening professionalWho will recommend what procedures and products to use to eliminate and improve the health of our plants?

How do I know if there are aphids on my plants?

The first effect that aphids will have on our plants is that they look less fresh and weaker. This insect eats its sage. So it clings to the trunk. And they absorb it with their beaks. and let the plant dry inside little by little. as they move from tree to tree Aphids spread various diseases. From one tree to another Therefore, it may not only look withered because of the insects that absorbed the sage, but also It may cause her to contract other diseases. It came from the original plant that this insect was eating.

Aphids eat the plant's sage and cling to the stems.
Aphids eat the plant’s sage and cling to the stems.

temperature change Excessive or lack of irrigation in plants is a factor that causes such changes. More at risk of being affected by aphids like people When we eat good food and are healthy, It is unlikely to be affected by viruses or other diseases much compared to when We have little protection.that we are likely to be more affected by those things

Meanwhile, aphids are installed on the plants and absorb the sage. causing a unique smell which causes other insects Many feel attracted to these affected plants. Not only are they affected by aphids, but many other insects also want to eat them. Perhaps the pest extends to adjacent plants and the entire garden area. Therefore, it is very important to learn to detect aphids on plants as soon as possible. To prevent them from causing damage to affected plants, but also To prevent it from spreading to other plants. And it can end with everyone’s health.

They are usually very small and green or black.
They are usually very small and green or black.

What to do if the plant has aphids?

In addition to the withered condition of the plants We also see insects running around or eating plants. These are usually Very small and green or black. They cling to leaves and stems. And sometimes they are more or less visible. Once you are sure that your tree may be affected by this pest, You should go to a gardening expert. This will be able to determine if the insect is truly an aphid and will be able to give you aphids. The best treatments and products to treat plants affected if we still have time for it

Treatment will vary depending on the season of the year in which we find ourselves, since climatic factors greatly affect the health, growth and nutrition of plants. Spring and summer are the times when plants are most likely to get sick. Because it was during that time There are more insects in the environment.In addition, with the extreme heat Plants may need more or less water than we give them. This can weaken them and make them easier prey for aphids. The winter and fall months are not as risky, although it is possible to become infected as well. Therefore, this season it is recommended to use protective products to protect as much as possible. Your Plants are affected by aphids..

Spring and summer are the times when plants are most likely to get sick.
Spring and summer are the times when plants are most likely to get sick.

These gardening products are often not environmentally friendly. So you also have options for cleaning your plants. Soapy water to avoid the appearance of this insect. or a nettle soak as it is believed to help prevent the rest of the plant from being affected by aphids. But how, Each plant is different. And these home remedies can make others sick. Therefore, it is important that you always consult with a gardening expert. and take care of your plants in the best possible way.

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