How to clean the rubber of a washing machine

If you want to extend the life of your washing machine Proper maintenance is important.

The washing machine as we know it today is less than 200 years old, having been invented in the 1850s, but people were washing clothes long before modern washers and dryers came along. And in the present Washing machines have become an important element in our homes.Even though it is used regularly But there are times when certain components can become damaged. In addition, the so-called planned obsolescence plays an important role, which shortens the life of household appliances. The estimated lifespan of a washing machine is 10 years, which equates to approximately 2,500 washings. Washing machine tires are often the most damaged accessories. In this article we will give you the key.

Maintain your washing machine to extend its lifespan.Maintain your washing machine to extend its lifespan.

If your washing machine has a water leak It might be because of the rubber of the machine.Its name is “rubber hatch”. Its function is to seal the washing machine door so that water does not leak when working. If there are signs of use such as holes, holes, or the like. There will be a leak. In other words, it will cause water to spill out and the floor to become waterlogged. Replacing our washing machine hatch door rubber is not difficult, although a little technique and minimal materials are recommended.

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Need to use needle nose pliers or similar tool. Complete with adjustable wrench and screwdriver.And above all else The hatch rubber that we will change on our machine.

One of the most important things is Pay attention to the steps we took to remove it and do exactly the same, but in reverse. Complete with new tires, this will make our job much easier and save us a lot of time.

In the outer area of ​​the washing machine, which is in the drum, we find a wire that runs almost the entire circumference. Using needle nose pliers You must use force to gently pull it out.. This wire is connected at one point and at the end with a spring that acts to make it more flexible or rigid.

Follow the steps when cleaning the washing machine's rubber.Follow the steps when cleaning the washing machine’s rubber.

When the external parts are removed We had to put the rubber in the drum of the washing machine so that it didn’t disturb us. This allows us to see tires in almost every size.This will help us see if our tires have holes or other types of damage.

When you have the rubber hatch on the outside already inside. We will try to pull it out. Some appliances of this type usually have a wire with a tight nut on the inside of the gasket.. We will have to loosen it with a wrench to loosen the wires. Next we can remove all the wire and rubber.

Once the rubber is removed, it is recommended to clean the hidden area with ammonia. And at this point what we need to do is the same as we deleted the old one. But do the opposite: put in the rubber, put the wire inside, and put the wire outside. It is highly recommended that when inserting a new one We apply a little soap and water to the inside of the tire. Then we will start attaching them to the outside of the drum.

You will use your washing machine almost every day.You will use your washing machine almost every day.

Washing machines are appliances that are used every day and are subject to a lot of wear and tear. There are many types of symptoms of damage. But this is one of the simplest solutions. We hope these tips help you with one of the most common tire maintenance tasks. If you have any questions You can leave it below. Leave a comment with your questions so we can help you as much as possible.

Tips for choosing a good and economical washing machine.

Buying a washing machine can be a very complicated task with all the models available today. We will give you tips on buying the perfect washing machine. Effective and cheap.

Washing machines are among the household appliances that have developed the most in recent years. Being aware of individual needs in choosing the clothing that best suits our clothing type is something to consider when purchasing. First of all, it is recommended Measure the space we have available starting from this point..

Capacity is a basic element in choosing a washing machine. Just like in the refrigerator The needs of each home must be taken into account as well. It’s not the same if you’re alone as if you have a big family..For one or two people A washing machine weighing no more than 6 kilograms is recommended if we have between 3 and 4 people. A washing machine with a drum is ideal. Between 7 and 8 kilograms. If this figure is exceeded, we will try to buy a washing machine that weighs 9 kilograms or more.

Consider your needs when choosing a washing machine for your home.Consider your needs when choosing a washing machine for your home.

Increasing the load capacity results in significant additional costs, while than washing machine capacity 5 kg It could cost around 350 euros. One similar model, but weighing 8 kilograms, is likely to cost at least 650 euros. It is not recommended to have an electrical appliance like this with a capacity larger than necessary because it means Higher price at time of purchase and when paying electricity and water bills as well

Another aspect to consider is the rotation speed. It is measured in revolutions per minute. But it will not depend on how much or how little power your washing machine has.Although it is true that it should be at least 600 rpm. There are all types of washing machines available in the market. From models that barely reach 400 to washing machines that spin up to about 1,800 revolutions.. Everything will depend on the capacity of your bag.

When choosing an efficient washing machine We must not forget about energy efficiency.Washing machines are considered the most energy-consuming appliances after televisions and refrigerators. Most of this energy is used to heat water. Therefore, it is very important to use a low temperature program. This type of electrical appliance is covered by the EU energy label.It classifies appliances from the letters A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). Currently in stores there are only washing machines labeled A, but in this category there are others A+, A. ++ etc. Choosing an energy-saving washing machine can help save money in the long run.

You can call a technician to maintain your washing machine.You can call a technician to maintain your washing machine.

Modern washing machines have many washing programs. Depends on the type of clothing Level of dirt or low energy costs Each washing machine program uses one temperature or another. The same goes for spin speed. However, it is very common for us to always use the same thing. Due to laziness or ignorance We have to take care of the add-ons we want because this is also the factor that makes the price change more or less. The most important program that your washing machine should have is Wash cotton fabrics at 30 to 60 degrees, synthetics at 401 and a cold cycle for delicate woolen garments. From here everything you add is combined, including an ECO program that saves water and money.

It is very important to look at the decibels of the washing machine. These can be very annoying due to their noise. The energy label indicates the decibel level that the washing machine can reach. They are louder when adding water and at the end of the spin cycle. It will depend on your sensitivity to noise. But this will be enough if during rotation it does not exceed 80 dB.

Finally, our last task before buying a washing machine is to look at the control panel. Most already have electronic controls and LCD screens to make things easier. Electronic panels are often the most attractive and there are also touch panels. However, traditional manual controls tend to be easier to use. And best of all, it’s cheaper.

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