How to build a habit of drawing

Drawing is a way to express our daily life and even our feelings, so we must never abandon the habit of this activity.

Drawing is one of the greatest joys in this life. The problem is that over time People have stopped drawing and creating freely like they did when they were children. Some people say it’s because they don’t have time. Some people say it’s because they lack imagination. And there are still some people who claim that their drawing is bad sometimes. Sometimes they are shy to reveal it publicly.But the truth is that everyone needs to draw and paint. Because this is another way of expressing our feelings.

If you are one of those people who stopped drawing for one day. But now I want to continue this activity. Today we are going to tell you the steps you need to follow to revive and build your drawing habit. You know now, Let your imagination fly..

Everyone needs to draw and paint.
Everyone needs to draw and paint.

5 important things to draw well

  1. Your drawings are always with you.: The best way to build a habit is consistency. There is no doubt that without this Creating a routine, whether creative or physical, will be difficult. with art or painting It happens like in sports. It should be an activity that must be practiced every day in order to see improvements. Therefore, it is fundamental to learning how to draw well. The first is self-confidence. Thinking that you will find your own style and you will be able to do it well. For it, Always carry a small notebook and pencil with you.And every time you have a few minutes Dedicate it to your imagination and the power of capturing it. You may not like your first drawing. But little by little you will become more comfortable with these drawings and you will improve and persevere.
  2. Draw from your imagination: You might think that the easiest thing would be to copy a picture or photograph. But nothing could be further from the truth. The easiest thing to get into the habit of drawing and doing it well is to use your imagination. Draw with your heartWith the feelings that invade you at that moment and above all start drawing without thinking too much. Sometimes people stop drawing and creating because they don’t know how to start or what to capture. A good place to start is by trying to recreate a character from the last novel you read.
  3. Do not withdraw obligations: Don’t think of painting as an obligation and it will end up stressing you out when you’re at your most stressed. Drawing must be pleasurable. It is an activity where you relax or connect with yourself. You can devote a few minutes a day. or during the weekend But this should always be done in a relaxed environment and away from work pressure. You draw for the love of art. not from obligation At the moment there is a notebook and nothing more. You don’t need to draw much. Made with important thingsAfter that, you can delve into the drawing if you want. But if at first you have to think and carry all the necessary materials, it will make you more lazy to start drawing. So here we will follow the same fashion tips that must be followed. “Very little”
  4. Discover new techniques: If you’ve always drawn with a pencil It’s time to switch to pen drawing or vice versa. Discover new techniques and become an expert in the same thing The personal satisfaction gained from learning a certain technique or material will give you a lot. Moreover, it will be easier to compare your starting point and develop your personal creativity if you always use the same technique.
  5. Draw your life and adventures: Building good habits and improving technique is nil. There is nothing better than making a diary with pictures.. Draw your day every day. Record your day and travel. Moments that capture your attention throughout the day The person you’ve seen or even your co-workers Try to capture those small moments and do it every day and you will see that at the end of the month. You will noticeably improve. And you already know it’s just a fantasy

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