How to build a cabin? -PK-Serfing

If you are thinking of building a stone or wooden hut. We’ll tell you how you can achieve your goals through a series of steps.

wooden cabin


Why have a wooden hut?

As children, we all dreamed of having one. log cabinin the style of Simpson, is a personal refuge A place to be with friends, a place to dream and be free for a while.

When we get older There are many adults who forget those wishes. But there are others. I want to know how to make that wooden hut. For themselves or their children. This article is designed for you. People who want to regain lost dreams and those who are going to make it come true

On the other hand, we cannot associate log cabins only with homes and childhood dreams. We also found a large wooden hut which became the family’s new residence. second house Or a place to disconnect from everything.

Likewise, this type of construction has other types of functionality as we find wooden huts used to store tools in the fields, as a shelter in the middle of the mountains during storms, etc.

stone hut


How to build your own brick hut?

In our case, we will tell you how to build a brick hut instead of wood. Because it’s much easier for us to create. I also told you that you have the option to search. In the prefabricated concrete house Hormipresa Different sizes that may be useful for you to have your own cottage or shelter, take a look at Hormipresa, they have a lot of experience in this type of house. And maybe you will find a pattern that is useful for you.

The first step must be Do you design or copy designs? of a brick hut according to the plan where you can specify which part each part will be measured Whether there will be windows or not, etc. All this may depend on the financial costs that you can afford, as well as on the functionality that you will give to the cabin, because depending on what you will build it for, you will have to add. Different details both inside and outside.

Before you start looking for materials to build your cabin. It is important that you find a suitable place for the construction of the cabin. The main characteristic of this place was that it did not have a very high level. moisture and orientation

When looking for material You will need to take into account the weather conditions of the place and that the material has been well looked after so that it can face all difficulties. You will need:

  • brick
  • cement
  • Tools: trowel, concrete mixer, leveler, nails, frame, hinges.
  • lock
  • iron door

When it’s time to go to work The first step is to level the ground as much as possible. Once you have that, it’s time to identify the base and foundation we’ll be laying on.

First of all, let’s Cement floor slabs On this surface you begin to raise the brick wall, fixing it with cement and taking into account that they must always be across, that is, not necessarily parallel.

While you’re climbing the wall You must remember that you need to check that the wall is level on all sides. raise the wall up to your desired height All of them are the same height. Then you place the roof, which in our case we put on metal sheets. To do this, you need to place some steel beams in place.

stone hut

Remember that you must leave the room to door and attached with hinges Doors that open outwards are much more convenient.

Once that’s done, it’s time to paint the outside to give it a neater look. The color will depend on the area it is located in because it can be painted like your house or if in the woods in a shade that is more in line with the colors of nature, for example.

at internal details It depends on what you are going to do with this cabin. In our case, we created it to store tools. So we added shelves inside and there are hooks for hanging long ladders and iron rods for hanging rakes, shovels and the rest.

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