How to avoid cockroaches – Pk serfing

Cockroaches are excellent survivors. This is because they can adapt to any environment. That happened about 350 million years ago.

cockroach They are insects. that reproduces very easily Which is why many times can be seen Pests on the road And even though there is a small chance But it can also occur in homes or business establishments. In addition, being an insect is often not liked by people and is the cause. fear reactionIt contains bacteria and can cause asthma in some people. These insects belong to Blattodia’s Orderas well as termites

Types of cockroaches

It’s quite difficult to say it all. Types of cockroaches That is there, but there’s about that. 4,600 different species (There are 3,000 people in Spain) of which about thirty They are related to areas in which humans live. And among these thirty four They are considered pests. Taking into account the various types of cockroaches that exist in all 3 species. More general is: :

  1. at american cockroach
  2. at original cockroach
  3. at oriental cockroach
The American cockroach is one of the most common types of cockroaches.
The American cockroach is one of the most common types of cockroaches.

The life cycle of a cockroach almost the same More than other insects They first hatch from eggs until they become larvae. Cockroaches at this stage have no wings. But when developed and entering the adult stage, one must pay attention Go to the following details to detect. your presence: :

  • Unusual smell
  • It has a sporadic appearance. of cockroaches
  • stain
  • eviction due to The way his skin fell off

How to avoid cockroaches

    • Cockroaches tend to be attracted For food above all, food scraps, scraps, spilled liquids. The smell of leftover food will cause cockroaches to go there. That’s why it is Very importantWhether you are eating out or indoors. Keep your trash cans closed and maintain proper hygiene to prevent these insects from appearing as much as possible, as they are completely unpleasant.
    • Another aspect that must be taken into account. is water Because cockroaches can attract them. This is because they need water. to survive. Must pay attention whether on site or at home that there are no water leaks or broken pipes. Out of curiosity. oriental cockroach They can go months without eating if they have enough water. But if there is no water, it can’t survive. Die in 48 hours.
    • These brave insects find shelter It is safe to continue living. In order to do this and avoid it You will need to check for cracks and broken pipes that are often there.
    • It is recommended that mostly in summer,Keep the windows covered with mosquito nets. This way, cockroaches and other insects will be prevented from entering.
Frequent cleaning and fumigation of under appliances is recommended.
Frequent cleaning and fumigation of under appliances is recommended.
    • Clean the bottom of the machine often.This is because it is a very easy place for them to live. Refrigerators should be avoided. dishwasher washing machine cockroach infestation.
    • Cleaning is important Use ammonia This is because it also helps to disinfect the area to prevent these insects. When cleaning with ammonia, cockroaches They might die Because of the chemicals in the product
    • All dry Humid areaAt this time, for example, a sink or a shower. Avoid humidity of any kind to avoid cockroaches.
    • Daily garbage disposal is very important if you want to avoid these types of pests. Especially organic waste, as it is the most common source of food for cockroaches. If it’s a trash can It took several days. At home, surprises are more imminent because they will definitely appear. The tenant is unhappy..
    • When scrubbing, you must turn on the water. few seconds To keep the pipe clean You can add a little. of bleach or certain chemicals that are strong in order to prevent sedimentation in the area
Cleaning with ammonia will help get rid of cockroaches using this chemical.
Cleaning with ammonia will help get rid of cockroaches using this chemical.
  • To keep cockroaches away, you can do that too. Place fragrant plants around the house to use as a natural insect repellent One of the most popular is laurelTherefore, if you place leaves in areas such as windows, you will prevent them from entering your home. It can also be placed in cracks or other areas. to drive them out. lavender Citronella is another plant that will help protect against cockroaches.
  • This tip is important when leaving the house alone for a while due to a holiday or any other reason. You must review all previous points in closing. Drain pipes and windows.
  • You can also Set homemade trapsYou will need to mix equal amounts of baking soda and sugar. The sugar will attract them. And baking soda is one of them. toxic products which will kill them instantly Simply place this natural insect repellent in a dark or vulnerable area. Cockroaches goThe problem will disappear completely.
  • In addition, for those who live in places where their presence is easily visible. Can be smoked Every time ‘x’ is a means of protection.

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