How can we reduce waste before construction?

Implementing the ‘Three R’s’ in our daily life is very important to play our part in caring for the planet.

Reduce, reuse and recycle’Three R’s Rule‘ brings together the three most necessary actions to protect the environment. The first of them Reduction is the most important action. And perhaps the simplest of these are actions that force us to use less of the elements that go to waste, that is, they force us to reduce waste before we create it. This is one of The key to avoiding increasing pollution on the planet and reduce the ecological footprint, or in other words, the environmental impact of human existence on earth.

When we talk about Reduce waste Before creating it We mean reducing man-made waste. If we all reduce waste a lot It is not necessary to perform the other two steps. The ‘Three Rs’ – reuse and recycle – is why reducing waste before it’s created is the best way to play your part in caring for the planet and promoting pollution reduction.

Every day we can reduce waste before it is created. There are many simple things. that we can do in everyday life Help reduce waste And our grain of sand contributes to reducing the level of pollution on the planet. In this article, we’ll show you some actions you can take in your daily life to minimize your waste.

R's rulesR’s rules

responsible purchasing

If we really want to reduce waste before production It is necessary to make responsible purchases. Try to buy only the products you really need and that these things are of quality So you don’t have to throw it away and change it often. You should also avoid buying disposable products, and even more so if they are made of plastic.

Another element that must be taken into account when making a purchase is the material used to wrap the product we are purchasing. There are many products that come with unnecessary amounts of packaging. Therefore, it is better to choose those products. with little packagingAdditionally, the best option when shopping is to carry a cloth bag with you to avoid using plastic bags and containers made from the same material used to package fruits and vegetables, for example.

At home and with family

There are many things you can do to reduce waste before building on your home. Most of it happens in the kitchen. If you want to reduce the waste generated in your home before actually using it. The whole family must be involved.A good choice is to reduce or stop using plastic. Whether it is in a container, container or packaging. For this purpose as well Convenient to drink tap water and reduce the use of plastic bottles.Oil can also be reused and when it is time to dispose of it, it must be done in a modified location for this purpose. On the other hand, you can also reuse or use recycled paper directly and when making gifts. Try not to always go to the content. Because it won’t get better just because it’s tangible.

Cloth bags to reduce plastic useCloth bags to reduce plastic use

in food

Many things can be done to reduce food waste. First of all, it’s better. Consume fresh products Because they usually have less packaging and are better for our health. If certain types of food cannot be purchased without packaging due to the consistency of the food You should choose to use a glass container or a large container. On the other hand, It is better to buy local products. This is because they will require less transportation to get to the point of sale. This results in a slight increase in air pollution.

in clothes

Perhaps one of the items we reject most is clothing, whether because we no longer like it or because it’s torn or damaged. However, there are many options for Avoid getting rid of clothes and give them a second life.You can reuse your clothes. If you don’t like the clothes anymore or they are torn You can customize it or use it for something else. But if you don’t like the clothes anymore and you don’t want to do any of the above, you can. Always donate or give it to someone you know because even if you don’t need it, you can use it more. But there are many people who need it or like it, so your clothes can be used and will not become waste. It is very important to try not to consume too much. This is because the more clothes you have, the less you use. And we end up throwing away most of our clothes without using them enough.

Electrical appliances and electronic equipment

same as clothes We discard electrical appliances as soon as they are no longer useful to us. These electrical devices can be given a second life before they are thrown away.. If the reason you want to get rid of the electrical appliance is because it is damaged. You can always try to repair it. But if possible You can leave it at a thrift store or repair shop. of electrical appliances that can use undamaged parts Finally, it is recommended to buy quality appliances and electrical equipment that will last a long time so that we don’t have to throw them away so quickly.

Give a second life to appliances and clothing.Give a second life to appliances and clothing.

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