house cleaning plan

Having a clean and tidy home is synonymous with quality of life. And achieving this goal is very easy. If cleaning work is divided into daily, weekly or monthly

Having a clean and tidy home means quality of life. Because everyone I like to come home from a tiring day at work. And saw that everything was in its place and looked very friendly. however, Achieving this goal is not easy. and involves having an adequate and realistic cleaning plan.. Dividing tasks into daily, monthly or yearly sections will help keep work organized and you won’t forget anything. Below we’ll give you an idea of ​​what a cleaning plan should look like.

Clean every day

Every day you will have to complete a minimum number of tasks. You don’t have to worry deeply.But make sure the house is clean and tidy:

Having a clean and tidy home means quality of life.Having a clean and tidy home means quality of life.
  • In the kitchen, you should start by placing cleaning supplies in their respective cabinets and drawers. Then clean the dirty dishes or put them in the dishwasher if you have one. This way you will get There is a clear sink.. If there is food left You’ll need to clean it with a scouring pad or cloth and throw it in the trash to prevent it from building up and giving off an unpleasant smell. If the pipe has a bad smell You can pour bleach down the drain. Avoid running the faucet for the next few hours. Then, clean the countertop and ceramic hob. and vacuum if necessary
  • Organize your living room by picking up sofa cushions and folding blankets. Pick up any newspapers, books, or magazines you’ve been busy with.. If there are smokers in the house Throw away cigarette butts and clean ashtrays to avoid the smell of tobacco.
  • As for the bedroom Open the window in the morning to ventilate the room. Then pick up clothes and shoes that are scattered on the floor or furniture. Take this opportunity to store them in the relevant drawers and cabinets. Because if you follow this routine every day You can be sure that things will be in good condition. It will always be perfectly organized. Finally, ventilate the sheets and duvet and make the bed.
  • There are times when entering a house you leave your shoes or coat at the entrance or in the hall. You can also use it. Always vacuum up any dust or dirt stuck on your shoes. And they tend to come loose as soon as you enter the house.
  • Although deep cleaning your bathroom is a task that needs to be done every week, But you have to clean the surface every day. Above all else, you must Skip the sink and well as transferring water to showers and partitions.
  • You will have to take out the trash every day. Especially if it is organic waste to prevent it from giving off a bad odor. You have to do everything. a couple of days too Discard inorganic substances including glass or cardboard.Each one is in its corresponding container.

Weekly cleaning

A good idea is to take a few hours over the weekend to clean it more thoroughly and The house was kept in pristine condition throughout the week.. It is not superficial cleaning like daily cleaning. But in the weekly cleaning You need to use it more cleanly and thoroughly.

Weekly cleaning is when every nook and cranny needs to be vacuumed.Weekly cleaning is when every nook and cranny needs to be vacuumed.
  • Thanks to daily cleaning So the kitchen always remains clean. But you also need to clean it every week. Vacuum and reach every nook and cranny.Then pass the mop over the floor. It will also be time to focus on appliances that are used every day and are easy to clean, like ovens or microwaves. Wipe the inside of both appliances with a special product to remove grease. And if you do it every week The equipment will not be too dirty and will help extend its lifespan. You will need to take advantage of weekly cleaning to Let’s take a look at the outside of the kitchen extractor.,Reserve within monthly cleaning
  • in the living room It’s time to shake up the blankets and cushions. Along with thoroughly vacuuming and dusting tables, bookcases, and shelves, you can also take advantage of Clean old newspapers, magazines, and paper. That you don’t need anymore and that’s just getting in the way. Add a bouquet of fresh flowers and you’ll see how they’ll cheer you up all week long.
  • The bathroom is another area in the house that needs to be cleaned thoroughly. Focusing specifically on shower tiles, glass, and floors..The sink, shower, and toilet also need to be cleaned. But if you follow a daily cleaning plan You won’t have to spend too much time on them.
  • Take the opportunity to load one or more washing machines that have accumulated dirty clothes throughout the week. It will also be time to wash your towels and sheets. These will change every 2 weeks.If you take advantage of cleaning your clothes every week, You will prevent clothing from accumulating.
  • Vacuum the whole house. Basically removing dust from all shelves and surfaces, but don’t forget about door frames or paintings hanging on the walls.

Monthly cleaning plan

Many experts state that there is Some equipment that should be cleanedDig deeper at least once a month. This way, its service life is extended and it remains in good working order for longer.

Window panes and glass should be cleaned regularly.Window panes and glass should be cleaned regularly.
  • The range hood must be dismantled and cleaned. both inside – place a pot with boiling water under it and take advantage of the steam – and a filter with a suitable anti-grease product. Washing machines and dishwashers need to be cleaned occasionally to prevent plaque and dirt from building up. There are many models that have a special program for washing the machine.
  • Take the opportunity to review the refrigerator in depth as well. Take out all food and discard expired food.. Then clean the interior and tray to remove any food particles. And don’t forget to check your freezer when there’s no more food left.
  • window pane They also need regular cleaning, both inside and out. There are many suitable products for this. It includes extra tools that extend so you don’t have to over-exert yourself.

Quarterly cleaning

With the change of seasons, it’s time to More specific cleaning, such as replacing cabinetsPut away unnecessary clothes and bring out clothes that are appropriate for the time being.

If the house has a garden, it should not be neglected either.If the house has a garden, it should not be neglected either.
  • The balcony is also an area of ​​the home that requires regular cleaning of both the furniture and the floor. If you have a tree You can take the opportunity to prune and remove dead leaves. as well as balcony The garden cannot be neglected either..Remove leaves and branches. Clean the undergrowth And don’t hesitate to give it a new look by planting new flowers.
  • If the house also has parquet floors You must know that adequate maintenance is required to maintain its beautiful appearance. Scrub using a product specially recommended for this type of floor and apply wax to make it shiny. In addition to, The older the parquet, the more frequently it must be cut.This is a job that only experts should do when maintaining these floors.

annual cleaning

At least once a year you should dedicate a day or two to Review some areas of your home that aren’t normally cleaned regularly.But there is also accumulated dirt.

Once a year, you can take out all your clothes and put them in a box to donate.Once a year, you can take out all your clothes and put them in a box to donate.
  • In the case of the kitchen Take all the food packaging and cans out of the cupboard and put them to good use. Throw away if the expiration date has passed.. Clean thoroughly using a cloth soaked in soap and water. Then, do the same for cabinets and drawers used to store dishes, glasses, or cutlery. Don’t leave any corners unchecked.
  • Remove all clothes from the closet. both in the bedroom and hallway, and Put all the clothes and shoes you are not using in the box. Donate or discard if in poor condition. It’s best to clean while replacing your wardrobe in the summer or winter. Additionally, take the opportunity to give your wardrobe and shelves a thorough cleaning when they’re empty.
  • You can also take advantage of Put your curtains or blinds in the washing machine if they are made of well as drying carpets, mattresses, and pillows. If you see that the washing machine doesn’t fit something You can choose to wash it in the bathtub or dry clean it.
  • If you have Garage and atticMake sure it is completely clean. Organize everything and discard what you no longer need. And take the opportunity to do some minor maintenance, like cleaning your drains thoroughly to avoid annoying blockages or flushing out your radiators.

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