Help for Widows – PK-Serfing

Widow’s pension and certain requirements that must be taken into account in order to benefit from it.

The main reason why a widow’s pension is created is due to the financial needs that the spouse or civil partner of the deceased may have. When that person dies his or her friends Or even his or her family may be in a situation where they lack protection. This is especially true if the person who died was the sole or main income earner in that family. The government therefore gives us this opportunity. From Bekia we will tell you what all the requirements are in order to be able to receive it and how much it costs..

The purpose of these pensions is to cover basic economic needs.The purpose of these pensions is to cover basic economic needs.

What is a widow’s pension?

A pension or widow’s allowance can be defined as that economic contribution or contribution. Social Security is paid when our partner dies.. Therefore, it is the rights of the people when this happens.

We will maintain this economic benefit for the rest of our lives with the objective of Protect the situation of economic needs that will result from the death of the person who will benefit. However, like any other assistance Several requirements must be met to be eligible for this widow’s pension.

Requirements that the deceased must comply with

When a person dies It is also unclear whether his or her spouse will receive a widow’s pension. As we have already said, there is Property set that the person must comply with at the time of death as we set out below:

It is necessary to register with Social Security.It is necessary to register with Social Security.
  • The most important thing is registration or Under the general social security systemIn addition, the minimum donation period must be met, which varies depending on the cause of death. If it is caused by illness, it is prescribed for 500 days without interruption for 5 years before death. If death is due to an accident, no period is required.
  • In this case This first requirement is not met. and the deceased was not registered with Social Security The contribution period is increased to 15 years for life.
  • You must be the beneficiary of your retirement pension at the time of your death.
  • You must stop working with entitlement to a retirement pension and die before requesting it.
  • is the beneficiary of Disability pension at the time of death
  • Missing worker In an accident in the event of presumed death or 90 days have elapsed since the accident.
  • Be a worker who receives a permanent and total disability pension. and choose to receive compensation for those under 60 years of age

Requirements to benefit from widow’s pension

In addition to the requirements mentioned above. There are other requirements. that another person must comply with, that is, the person who will receive the widow’s pension Therefore, there are certain conditions that both parties must meet:

  • If death occurs for illnessCouples must prove one of the following conditions: have children together or have been married for at least one year. (As long as they haven’t been a de facto couple before)
  • If that person is Judicial separation from the deceased or not?They may receive that pension as long as they do not remarry or become a common-law spouse and become a pension creditor in the divorce.
  • However, even if they are not the creditors of this compensatory pension, But they may be eligible for a widow’s pension if they can prove they were victims of sexual violence at the time of separation or divorce.
  • If the two have entered into a marriage it is declared invalid and entitled to compensation as long as they have not remarried.
The amount received depends on the regulatory basis corresponding to the person responsible for the pension.The amount received depends on the regulatory basis corresponding to the person responsible for the pension.

How much is the widow’s allowance?

The financial benefits that the deceased’s spouse will receive are: Typically 52% of the regulatory base that corresponds to the person responsible for the pension. However, this percentage can increase to 60% when the deceased meets one of the following requirements:

    • Aged 65 years and over
    • Not entitled to receive any other public pension.
    • Not receiving income from work
    • No income from movable or real estate or income of more than €7,569 per year


It may also be the case that the figure is 52%. increased to 70% of the regulatory base Provided that during the pension period the following requirements must be met:

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