Heat Pump or Heat Pump, which is better?

It’s important to find the right heater for your home’s needs. But you should also consider your finances.

We call heating a set of elements that help create heat using different materials. which has a more or less consistent temperature Provide environmental comfort To the people who like that house And air conditioning systems are one of the main sources of energy in our country. Therefore, looking for the most effective option is essential.

There are many options for heating your home.There are many options for heating your home.

However, we have many options when it comes to heating our homes. But it’s up to us to choose. The one that suits us the most.within all these possibilities We can find heat pumps, which are not yet very well known. But there is a reversible pattern and amazing efficiency. Next, we will know everything you need. Which is the best heater?.

heat pump

This heating system was selected in 2011 by Greenpeace as the best heating system in terms of Energy efficiency means.and it works by transmitting heat instead of generating it.

A heat pump is a device that works on thermodynamics and transports energy. from one environment in the form of heat to anotherBe it air, water or land, this is possible through the gas-to-liquid transition of the refrigerant through ambient temperature and with the support of a compressor.

Look for the most effective components.Look for the most effective components.

This device can store energy from independent and external sources. This is what increases the power output of the compressor and transfers useful heat very efficiently. Besides, A heat pump can be used in the device. Air conditioning for heating or to heat water within the home. There are also other ways. It works by providing cooling to the premises, that is, through a feedback loop. They are called Reversible heat pump.

The advantage of using a heat pump is that more heat is generated in the capacity to provide useful energy in the form of heat than is used to do the job, thus having access to energy. Save 70% if we compare with traditional heating systems such as electricity, gas or diesel.

In addition, other benefits Some of the benefits of using this device are: Energy efficiency Helping reduce carbon dioxide emissions Using alternative energyUsing refrigerants that respect the environment, etc.

Types of heat pumps

  • Air and water heat pump: Heat is taken from the air and transferred to a water circuit that supplies heat to the floor or ceiling. fan heater Fan coil set or radiator
  • Air-air heat pump: The heat gained from the air passes directly to the air in the area to be heated.
  • Water-water heat pump: The system controls the heat of a water circuit in contact with the heating element (soil, water table) to transfer it to another water circuit. Such as in the case of air-water heat pumps. This is a system commonly used by geothermal heat pumps.
  • geothermal heat pump: This type of heat pump receives energy from the ground through a heat transfer fluid that absorbs heat from the ground and sends it to the pump’s cooling circuit.
There is a valve on the radiator to control the heat.There is a valve on the radiator to control the heat.

heat pump components

The air-water heat pump consists of two parts: a storage tank at the bottom and a heat pump group at the top, which depends on the use of energy generated by the change in the state of the refrigerant liquid. This fluid circulates within a closed circuit which is caused by:

  • condenser: Acts as a heat exchanger throughout the boiler. And the cooling liquid in the form of vapor transfers all the energy to the water in the tank. When energy is released It will condense and become a liquid state.
  • compressor: This makes process development possible and requires electricity to work.
  • Expansion valve: Refrigerant flows through this component. And this change means a sudden drop in pressure and a noticeable drop in temperature.
  • Evaporator: This is another heat exchanger that sits on top and passes through a surface that is extended by a fin system. This allows for exchange between the surrounding air and the coolant.

underfloor heating

Pipe system that uses hot water to circulate Placed on the floor or wall This system is very efficient because heat is transferred through surface heat exchange. will be stored for a long time The heat they give is transferred to the environment and increases, heating the room.

There are other options besides radiators.There are other options besides radiators.

With this system, a larger surface area is covered. Because it is an investment for the future In the event that your house has been completely renovated and it depends on where you live. You should study carefully. It may seem like a slightly higher cost, but in the long run it is a good investment in terms of both consumption and efficiency. Moreover, it does not require a place to house a water boiler and installation is not complicated. It also does not require much maintenance and Can be installed without difficulty Everywhere in the house

electric heater

It is a type of heater. Not used very oftenDue to the high use of electricity We can find this type of heating in air conditioning applications that have heat pumps. oil radiator Electric underfloor heating systems or any system with a heat accumulator.

If the house has these systems, what we need to check is the good condition of the house. Electrical connections and wiresProper operation of the relevant thermostat, energy classification, verification that it works… All this serves to keep us from problems. With the power we promise Although there is usually a metal sticker that indicates the power used. This is usually much more than normal. This depends on the type and unit installed.

Looking for maximum efficiency at least cost in heating your home?Looking for maximum efficiency at least cost in heating your home?

In the case of electric radiators, you must be careful because the electricity bill will increase a lot. It is not the best system for economic costs. But what if you have no choice but to use it? Check contract rates and try to make it an hourly energy accumulator with the lowest price per kilowatt. The rates are 3 different prices: plains and valleys.

Even though energy costs are rising But there are advantages of heating with electricity such as Can be installed in every home Because it does not depend on the supply of natural gas. poor maintenance It does not require a dedicated boiler space and does not require complicated installation. And it’s much safer because there are no gas leaks.

gas heater

This is a common heater found in both new and old homes. It consists in producing hot water due to the heat generated by the combustion of gases. This water travels through a closed circuit. of pipes throughout the house Ending with a heat emitter, radiator type or similar.

Control the right temperatureControl the right temperature

The radiator system depends on the exchange of heat between the medium. Hot water is distributed throughout all elements or parts in contact with the radiator environment. This water transfers heat into the air. that passes through the radiatorTherefore causing the environment to become hotter. And the water that loses heat and lowers its temperature returns through the pipe circuit to the boiler to be heated again and start the cycle again.

The advantage of gas heating is that it does not dry out the environment. Helps maintain the heat of the entire house equally. and can be used both in small areas and large houses however, As for the disadvantagesThis type of heating requires annual cleaning and periodic inspections by the company that installed it.

Pellet stove

Pellets are a type of biomass that is a fuel that comes directly from nature. The composition consists of sawdust and compressed wood shavings. They come from agricultural, industrial and sawmill waste and produce almost no soot or ash. In addition, chips It is dried, cleaned and pressed into molds. to make pellets While this process takes place The chips are naturally held together by lignin.

Heating with pellets is more effective.Heating with pellets is more effective.

Very economical compared to other types of fuel, i.e. the average price of a 15kg bag of pellets bought loose. It is approximately 4 euros and the amount of energy Wood pellets 2 kg. More or less equivalent to 1 liter of heating oil. Therefore, pellets are more economical compared to fuel.

The advantage of having a pellet stove is that it uses entirely renewable fuel. In addition to competitive prices And good about fossil fuels. Moreover, this type of biomass is rich in calorific value. fixed elements and consistency This allows for very high energy.

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