Ecology and environment How are they different?

It is important that you carefully distinguish how science differs from ecology. and training options: environment

There is more and more discussion and debate. about climate change And this is despite politicians like Donald Trump refusing to acknowledge that climate change exists. But that doesn’t make it any less true. A few years ago Scientists and experts in this field remind the population that we still have time to stop climate change and its consequences. However, because we are ignoring this request, Experts have already stated that Climate change is happening. But still, we still have time to postpone.

Thank you to activists like Greta Thunberg and celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio who are fighting to stop climate change, people. We are becoming more aware. For this reason Something that means in various studies that operates on a global level Climate change is thus included as a major concern of citizens.

The fight for climate change is becoming more active.The fight for climate change is becoming more active.

For this reason, in the face of the climate emergency We must not confuse these two different but complementary disciplines. This is key to meeting the environmental challenges we face now. Ecology and environmentIn the media, we hear many environmentalists talking about the climate crisis. However, we hear very few ecologists. So in today’s article We will take a look at how the two fields of study are similar and different.

Ecology and environment

Ecology is the science that studies ecosystems.That is, all species and the environment in which they live and how they interact with each other and their habitats. However, environmentalism is considered a sociopolitical movement. Care about protecting natureSpecies and environment Ecologists have abandoned this political and activist label to focus on the field of science around them. You could say they’re like math, physics, or medicine, but studying the environment.

for the environment to exist It needs science that studies what our world is like. Nowadays, everything related to animals, plants and ecosystems in general. That science is none other than ecology. You could say that environmentalism is more of a political choice. It mainly uses knowledge of sociology, anthropology, political science, economics and ecology. In the same way Ecology is a science that combines mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, and other fields of science and technology.

Science is ecologyScience is ecology

The contribution of ecology to the environment

Ecology helps us answer many of the questions that ecologists need to solve. To be able to take political measures that can help protect the environment.Some of these issues are the role of ecosystems in the social well-being of populations. This shows the need to preserve these things. In the same way This science also studies how it can help conserve species that are in danger of extinction. What are the main threats? It will stop the massive, slow global loss of biodiversity. destroy animals How in the world?

In the same way This science also studies and measures the value of well-preserved ecosystems, whether in monetary or not. And it helps us to know how much people are lost to destruction, for example if the world’s flora are adequately preserved. We can do it. Stop droughts, support floods, and prevent soil loss from erosion. It is also an important store of carbon in the atmosphere. Because as you know, plants can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

For this reason, ecological work is necessary so that ecologists can learn more about all the aspects that this science studies and enable them to do so. Propose measures that help preserve the habitats of species.And ultimately our world

Many people are aware of this problem and fight it in their own way.Many people are aware of this problem and fight it in their own way.

Contribution of the environment to the ecosystem

This is a great time for the ecosystem. And young people and teenagers from all over the world are mobilizing to make people aware of the enormous climate crisis we are facing. As we’ve said, from Greta Thunberg to Thousands of young people took to the streets to protest. And that they have carried out and carried out the education strike. Yet many people stopped to listen to what future ecologists had to say.

These people have extensive knowledge in the field of ecological sciences especially related to territories and species. They may be amateurs or even experts in that field but the really good thing about them is that they They have knowledge about ecology and hence they participate in Activities to raise public awareness that is becoming more prevalent in the scientific community and in society

These are young people.These are young people.

Environmentalists often They are excellent communicators.This is mainly due to their young age and growing up with the internet and increased technology. This allows the knowledge of ecology and ecologists to spread throughout the world through the messages these youth send about environmental awareness from various platforms.

Ecologists usually don’t use these platforms to send such messages. However, with the help of environmentalists, making more and more people Interested in ecology and to protect nature Which is what science ultimately seeks.

It is especially important that the work of these two fields, namely ecology and the environment, must be known, accepted and supported because The combination of the two was able to achieve much of what they had fought for. Ecology and environment Which, in the end, is the survival of various living things. their habitat And in conclusion, this is our world.

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