Dahlias: types, characteristics and care

These plants come from the subtropical and tropical areas of Mexico. In addition to finding that there are different colors It also has many properties to fight diabetes.

Dahlias, also known as dahlias, are popular flowers that are surrounded by many colorful petals. They named it in honor of Andreas Dahi. It usually grows with abundant leaves, strong roots, and flexible stems.There is no doubt that the best thing about this flower is its blooming period as it forms a spectacular bouquet – a bouquet. This plant represents drive and passion.

Additionally, this flower is often one of the most sought after flowers in stores and is the most popular flower used in bouquets because of its fragrance and ability to attract attention. however, Dahlias are preserved only in areas where it is spring or summer.There are many colors such as purple, pink, yellow, red, etc. The most beautiful thing is the one that combines these colors.

It is a plant with many leaves and strong roots.It is a plant with many leaves and strong roots.

Dahlia varieties

Dahlias are the most abundant flower species in the world. There are more than 50,000, but the most common are the GF Hemerick dahlia, firebird dahlia, garden dahlia and Glory dahlia. Among many other varieties, however, the most popular and well-known dahlia is the Mexican dahlia. Because it is the national flower of the country This plant is so connected to Mexican history and tradition that parties are held in honor of Dahlia Day. Today, Nuevo León is the Mexican state that exports the most of this flower.. Below are all the details about this flower. So you can learn more and choose them as ornamental plants in your garden:

Habitat of dahlias

Although they can be found all over the world. Its true origin comes from the subtropical and tropical areas of Mexico.. You can find many different kinds of flowers in different areas. of this country that has different shapes They may have rounded shapes in various shades. together during prosperous times

It is native to subtropical and tropical areas of Mexico.It is native to subtropical and tropical areas of Mexico.

The Aztecs decided to use the roots of this flower as food due to its very fleshy texture and liked it so much that they included it in every dish. Dahlia came to Europe thanks to the Spaniards. Even if they don’t use it in cooking. But it is an ornamental plant. In fact, It is in Belgium where the first examples of this flower were found for use as an ornamental plant..and given the heights that Dahlias can reach in this country So they spread more quickly.

Characteristics of dahlia

It is a perennial and herbaceous plant in the family Compositae. The leaves are compound and the flowers can be very large. The most famous colors are orange, red, pink, and purple. Dahlias, on the other hand, grow in warm climates. But if it is under high temperature Dahlias can also stop blooming. The best time for this plant is from summer to late autumn.

They can be found in orange, red, pink, and purple.They can be found in orange, red, pink, and purple.

Watering the dahlia

Although it is a plant that can tolerate extreme drought. But it must always be watered. Especially during periods of high temperature. The best time for watering is at night so that the evaporation process does not occur. And we must not get the leaves, foliage, and flowers wet so that they do not become infected with disease or rot or frost. It is recommended to do this once a week. or even every Two weeks, anyway. The trick is to keep the soil moist.

Planting dahlias

Growing and growing this plant is not easy, so you need to know the characteristics of dahlia well so that there are no problems with its growth. To plant, bulbs must be purchased that are not brown and must be stored in polystyrene balls until we consider them ready to plant. You can improve the soil by adding sand or moss.

The soil must be dug to a depth of 15 or 20 centimeters.The soil must be dug to a depth of 15 or 20 centimeters.

The next step is to dig up the soil to begin planting the bulbs. The depth will be from 15 to 20 centimeters, taking into account indirect sunlight. The eyes of these heads must be focused on the sky. And the plants cannot be watered until they begin to sprout the first buds.

Dahlias need moist, fresh, bright, fertile soil with good drainage. so that water does not stagnate in the roots They are not very demanding on the pH of the substrate. But it is enough to stay at a neutral level. The optimum is between 6.5 and 7.

It is also recommended to add organic fertilizer to the planting area.It is also recommended to add organic fertilizer to the planting area.

Add an appropriate amount of organic fertilizer to the pot or ground in which you will plant two weeks before planting. If you see that the plant has large flowers, cut them off, placing a branch next to the bulb to tie off the stem as it grows. To prevent the tree from breaking as it grows.

When pruning, you must start from the stem and Only the oldest branches are cut. This allows the dahlia to grow strong and also promotes the development of the youngest flowers.

If you want to make a bouquet of dahlias or place them in a vase. The best thing you can do to keep your dahlias healthy is to prune these plants at night or first thing in the morning. Place it in water, which you’ll need to change every two days, and in an area that’s draft-free but still cool.

If you put it in a vase at home You will need to change the water every two days.If you put it in a vase at home You will need to change the water every two days.

Diseases and pests

If you see pests crawling around your dahlias, protect them with an insecticide or an organic insecticide. They are prone to attack by slugs and snails.You can also consult a specialty store or gardening shop about suitable products to get rid of these pests. However, the best way to get rid of these slugs is to set traps around them. trees to catch them So as not to spoil your dahlias You can make these traps with ashes, beer, or even eggshells.

If you see that a white powder appears on the leaves or stems of the plant. This indicates that air is not circulating between the branches well. This white powder is powdery mildew or mildew, that’s about it. Small mold that appears with heat and humidity.. to get rid of them You can spray the plant with sulfur. Although the best remedy is to give the plant more space to allow better air circulation. and prevent this type of fungus

In order for these fungi to not appear, it is necessary to provide air circulation.In order for these fungi to not appear, it is necessary to provide air circulation.

On the other hand, Grasshoppers also like the leaves of these flowers.. The best solution is to spray the plants with a preparation by mixing one tablespoon of isopropyl alcohol and another potassium soap in half a liter of water. Cover the dahlias with this liquid at intervals of 3 to 5 days until you see the grasshoppers stop coming.

Properties of dahlia

The plant is used for cooking, rituals, fodder, and ornamental purposes, but it is also used medicinally. Because it helps solve nutritional problems very well. It is used to fight obesity and diabetes problems.and to correct colic and cough. It is also a fungicide and expectorant, thus helping to kill bacteria.

Finally, this plant is used as a source of fiber. whether it is food or natural Because it can help reduce triglycerides and cholesterol. It also controls blood pressure and facilitates weight loss.

The properties of this plant are used to solve the problem of obesity.The properties of this plant are used to solve the problem of obesity.

Curiosity about Dahlias

  • It is a native flower of the Yucatan Peninsula. Every August 4th, National Dahlia Day is celebrated.
  • Dahlias didn’t always have that name. His first name was Nahuatl Atlcocotlixochitl. which means water pipe
  • Between 1820 and 1830, dahlias gained popularity throughout the world. Especially in England Because of this, its price has increased significantly and it has been crossed with other plants to obtain new varieties.
  • Dahlias can be found in almost every color. except blue Growers are still trying to create dahlias with blue flowers.
  • It was one of the favorite flowers of Empress Josephine of France. and in her garden at the Malmaison Palace She has assembled a collection of various dahlia specimens.
  • There are more than 20,000 types of dahlias registered in International Dahlias Registry
  • Dahlia is considered one of the native ingredients of Oaxacan cuisine.
  • The first dahlia seeds to reach Europe occurred between 1780 and 1789 and were intended for the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid.
  • Dahlia bulbs contain a special type of sugar that is considered recommended for people with diabetes.
  • Marie Antoinette fell in love with dahlias at first sight when they had just arrived in Europe. Now there is a variety named after him.
  • in pre-Columbian Mexico They are used to treat epilepsy.
  • It is said that dahlias eat sunlight because they need many hours of light to survive and to highlight all their beauty.

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