How to entertain children during coronavirus quarantine

amid the coronavirus health crisis Both work and school activities were suspended. And we have to stay home.

Every Hispanic family with children is experiencing this period of incarceration, a period of multiple and forced work. parents, workers and educators at the same time. This situation puts many parents under constant stress, not knowing what to do with their children. During the quarantine at home Especially if they are used to doing it. Lots of extracurricular activities outside the family home

Technology can be your ally.Technology can be your ally.

The children also noticed the confinement and first we had to explain to them what it was all about. Moreover, we must make it most pleasant This way they will be happy and we will be able to live more peacefully. That’s why in this post I’ve brought you some tips and ideas that we can do with our children. Ours to make this long confinement a joyful one and not a bitter memory:

Maintain your daily routine as much as possible.

During these days it is Very important that both children and adults keep ours normal daily routine as much as possible It is important that they do not lose the habits they have. Wake them up at their normal time or a little later. But it is very important that they maintain that routine. Because this way they will wake up and be pregnant the next day like a normal day and Not like on holidays.

Divide your day and manage your time. of each activity as long as they always have time:

  1. homework
  2. exercise
  3. spare time

Get them involved

Get them involved too. homeworkBecause of this, they will feel important and want to help with housework. Of course, this is always related to the child’s age.

Ask for help with making the bed, preparing food, or arranging rooms in the house. With this initiative They will get used to it. And when the quarantine ends They will continue to exist. Nice personality.

Give them a break

Don’t expect them to be busy all day. It’s also good to let them sleep or rest for at least 20 minutes after eating. Enjoy your time to relax. They choose whether to sleep, watch a movie, or relax on the sofa or bed.

When the break is over They will move And you can propose any activity. Anything that requires a little more concentration or movement.

You must also have time to rest.You must also have time to rest.

Let them have free time to play.

They also want Lack of connection and recreational time Even in quarantine Let them have time for themselves and let them decide freely what they want to do and what they want to play. Remember that electronics can be a good thing. But as long as those devices do not exceed the limit

The screen shouldn’t take up all of this time.Using internet platforms can be beneficial as long as we know how to distribute the time and not allow them to spend too much time in front of the screen.

Practice activities like meditation or yoga with them.

Practice activities meditation and relaxation For example, yoga or Pilates that are suitable for children. It will be very helpful in reducing the level of anxiety and anxiety that arises during these restrictive days.

Some of the applications or web pages you’ll find include:

  • Get down to yoga: Normally it is a paid subscription. But due to the current situation It’s free to use until April 1st.
  • Yoga with Arena: There are exercises that are tailored to your level, mood, or time available to do the exercises.
  • smile and learn: This kids channel has many videos about yoga specifically to make it more educational and interesting for kids.
Meet fun gamesMeet fun games

Make sure they keep in touch with their friends.

In these moments you will be missed. friends and classmates So, if you can, it’s good to keep in touch with them via text or video calls. You can tell each other what you’re doing these days. And you can also write down some ideas to add to your list of things to do during quarantine.

All of this must be clearly stated that even though we try to make the baby not bored, we must take into account the words of Pilu Hernandez DopicoAn educator by profession, he bets on and points out that boredom is not a bad thing: “We shouldn’t worry so much and even wallow in it.” He also points out that it’s better to let them. bored and observe them: “This way we can get to know them better and know their tastes. Moreover, We should stop paying so much attention to this. All they need is to think and learn to think. which is very amazingHe pointed out.

Sometimes it doesn't hurt to feel bored.Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to feel bored.

except, Nuria Garcia AlonsoPilu Hernández, child and adolescent psychologist and director of Ayudarte Estudio de Psicología, also defends it. Parents must be bored too.: “Now is the time when we realize what is truly important, such as human relationships. Relationships with others And this is given to us in solitude. boredom“.

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